Just give the alliance high elves already

Well I need all the dollars so I can look pretty.

Don’t be silly, night elves are prettier than high elves.

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All I know how to be is silly.

The ‘Pro’ camp want playable Quel’dorei. The ‘Anti’ camp see it as, basically, stealing a Horde race.

But if there is no Thief and there is no Victim, then there is no Crime.

If the Horde and Alliance become irrelevant to the story after SL then all things become possible.

My Orc could do quests for Stormwind. Folks could have playable Quel’dorei. The possibilities are endless.

And cute as pie.

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But not as cute as you!

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Cough, aherm…

There is an orc-draenai-human named Med’an.

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We don’t talk about him.


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lol Someone upstairs really needs to exercise better editorial control.


Let me fixed that for you.

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They’re certainly 'something’er.

Don’t be jealous, you’re cute too. Just not as cute as Reno.

Hold up. Something’er isn’t short enough. That doesn’t require a stool.


There we go.

It’s not yes they have a very niche playerbase that actually likes them but the diaper gnomes thing comes from the wow community at large with max being one of the ones to popularize it. Fat Humans again comes from the community back when we had 5 plus threads a day begging blizz to tell us this wasn’t all we were getting.

I love gnomes, but they’re children’s doll creepy. Adorable creepy.

Well, only when you make them mad. I learnt that the hard way.


It’s been irrelevant to the story but the devs are obsessed with the faction war. We went from defeating the legion to killing each other over shiny rocks rather than working together to heal the planet. The end of BFA was the perfect time to allow cross faction play and instead it’s back to business as usual.