Just give the alliance high elves already

Monori, look at what I found:

Races or species are terms used in World of Warcraft to split various unique creatures into separate groups. Numerous races populate Azeroth including elves, trolls, human, orcs, gnomes, scorpids and murlocs, among many others. Many species can interbreed including humans, high elves, night elves, ogres, orcs, and draenei — producing offspring often called half-breeds.

This was pulled off WoWPedia. Now, the Term race, all Elves are the same race as each other, but are all different groups.

That’s the common nomenclature for those particular joke races.

i’m not sure. i dont think so. as the person of alts, writes differently.

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Their common nomenclature is Mechagnome and Kul’Tiran.

Like I said, it says a whole lot more about you.

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It is kinda hard to depick about you Fezzy. Whether you’re an Anti or whether you are a Pro.

Stop confusing my brain, it is too pretty to be confused.

fezzy is pro helf, and pro kultiran and mechagnome. i have another helf friend who frequents here, who also likes mechas and kultirans. personally, i only like mecha hair. the rest, i can do without. kultiran males only look good in big armor, then they look good. the females though, so far, just dont translate well for muscular

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Hmmm. I don’t mind Kul’Tiran, but they chould’ve been better for customisations for Humans.

Mechagnomes how ever, honestly, and in my own opinion, not a fan of them. I actually do hate them. But is mainly because parts of them can’t be covered in transmog.

I’m a pro High Elf as an AR separate from any other race. Including Blood Elves.

Don’t care what side you’re on, poo pooing AR’s because it’s the fun thing to do this expac says a lot more about that person.

We get it you don’t like the AR you got.

But have some class.


Ok. Murlocs.

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honestly, mechas only look good in their heritage. then they look cool. but the diaper … its not …its … i’m speechless.

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I actually would love murlocs honestly… Don’t know how to explain it in a serious lore fashion… But I’d love it.

Like anyone actually sits there thinking i’mma stare at my metal butt!

Though honestly I’ve leveled one up to 120 and while I love the heritage armor, I didn’t have much issue finding transmogs before I started using it on mine.

You can hide the Crotch with a tabard if it bothers you so.

i tried it out on the char creation screen. here, i have this beautiful robe, and emerging from where her flowing sleeves should be, are instead metal pinchers/hands/arms, that remove the sleeves entirely, and the gloves.

ordinarily, i would think this is a good thing because it shows the devs are willing to experiment with odd body types, suggesting we might get ethereals or naga, for example, but the fact the part that is visible on mechagnomes, even in robes, makes the robes look entirely out of place, really bugged me. try to picture somebody putting a dress on c3po from star wars - it would look completely out of place.

an example of a well done odd body type in robe is this guy

he doesnt have sleeves either but his bracers show and that ties it all together. i think for mechas to look as good as they should, they really need their own wardrobe

I don’t have an issue with folk who do not like Mechagnomes (or Kul’Tirans) for any particular reason.

I have an issue with folk who try to devalue them and use derogatory names for them because they don’t like them or didn’t get what they wanted.

You can have an opinion that you just don’t like em. Just don’t throw your vitriol at folk just because you’re personally disappointed.

I am interested to see if they’ll use this idea elsewhere especially for Ethereal’s.

you and me both. they are the most unique characters, blizzard has ever made.

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You should stop trying to force labels onto people and let their opinions be their own.

Where on earth did you come from?

San Antonio, Texas.

Wasn’t expecting an actual answer. But welcome back.

And no, wasn’t forcing labels onto other people. I was just getting confused with one person, with how they seem to be a bit differ from opinion to opinion.

You shouldn’t have to justify yourself to anyone, imo. Imagine anyone else thinking that all helfers must think and speak alike or they’re not truly helfers.

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That’s how opinions work, they don’t need to be black and white.

Putting people into separate categories seems counterproductive to a discussion.