Just give the alliance high elves already

Rumors of my Demise have been greatly exaggerated.


Any time, friendo.

Welcome back.

The Forsaken didn’t even lose the Under City to the Horde or blight, they lost it to the Alliance, Sylvanus just poisoned the well. The Alliance assault was successful, Alliance heroes made it all the way to the throne room. She gassed it so they couldn’t keep it.


Thank you.

UC is essentially Chernobyl’d until it isn’t.


If this was ever going to happen, it would likely be in the expansion after shadowlands.

If blizzard decides to follow through on a time-skip it can remove race-faction restrictions and have new factions based on player choice instead.

I mean, they won’t do that because they’ll say it’s too difficult or core to the game or something, but it would be better for longevity of the game for players to identify with both their race and factions out of personal ideals and goals rather than those set before them.


I rather have development time going into the actual gameplay of the game other than aesthetics tbh.

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Why not both?

Cause it’s pretty obvious that Blizzard is understaffed. If they were to put manpower into something I’d prefer it into making the game more playable other than making the game “more pretty.”

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Well they can’t ruin him any further than the BC.

“Blood elves are high elves” does not imply “high elves are blood elves”

Talk about twisting logic…


Are you about to start complaining about how timed content is ruining the game?

they are the same race regardless

Talk about playing with semantics


Lol no I PvP so m+ is no problem to me, except for the fact that I have to do it to be viable in PvP.

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Blood elves are not high elves glad we had this discussion. Sheesh people like you would still call the colonists british.

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Did you know who make another new alt? Seems to be their particular style of aggression combined with nonsensical gibberish.

Diaper Gnomes and Fat Humans say what.

i had suggested they remove the two faction division and make it into 5 factions of something like magic schools, that have their own flavor. then you join the magic school that you most identify your character with.

on the character creation screen, all thalassians would be in the same drop down. all nelfs/nightbornes in their own. all trolls, in their own. same for humans, gnomes, dwarves, goblins, orcs, etc, and maybe a furry category with tauren, vulpera and worgen in it. could have a shortie category for gobs, gnomes, mechagnomes. hehe

then if any new allied race is added, it just goes in the appropriate category. but you can join any of the five factions, regardless of race.

This says loads more about you than any sort of bias.