Just give the alliance high elves already

It blows my mind that a lot of Alliance posters make the argument that they got the short end of the stick in the bfa story.


I’m sorry, I can’t hear your delusions over the sound of a burning tree. :hear_no_evil:

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Dear, I´m not the one arguing about other players objectively getting coddled and benefited by the owners of the game. As if this was real.

You guys are, nuff said.

The fact I don´t make wild unfounded claims on the forums regarding an irl problem? (A.K.A. inmoral objective benefit from the designers towards a portion of the playerbase population).

Simply put it, NONE of us has concrete, real proof this is even a real thing apart from subjective complains and incorrect conclusions derived using incomplete and incorrect data. And THIS (making entire claims on the realistic behaviour of the owners in regards to their customers without any real proof) is stuff worthy of hysterical neurotic individuals, not of sane rational people.

Sorry if you don´t like to hear the truth but it is: stop acting like neurotic Chicken Little trolls and actually work towards fixing your issues, period.

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Sure. Allow me to mod the game and I’ll have the issues fixed pronto. :stuck_out_tongue:

Horde lost a capitol too, genius.

Yeah, they lost it to -Horde-. See the problem? No. Ah well. Too bad.

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You’re not really making a case against my “The Alliance are the writing teams’ favorite” thesis.

Hell. The burning of teldrassil has storylines dealing with it spanning multiple patches and at least 2 expansions.

The destruction of UC isn’t really even brought up afterwards.


What story lines? It was completely ignored during BFA. The only questline about it is essentially written as a “peon slap” moment to the Alliance from the Horde self insert. It does not get more biased than that in terms of writing.


I do like the various war campaigns as a whole in bfa, minus the whole sylvanas part.

To be honest, not being touched by the writers at this point is a plus.

Looks at the night elves and tyrande…

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I would be fine with the writers just leaving night elves alone from now on.


I am afraid of what they would do with Kael’thas “merely a set back” Sunstrider.

I just think maybe some other races should get the bfa nelf treatment.

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I volunteer the vulpera!


I am okay with that!

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It is funny how you seem to think I mentioned anything about Alliance getting the short end of the stick, especially when I didn’t mention anything about who plays what or which faction is getting more than the other.

I’ll bet money on this.

The Venthyr have a corrupt leader who is destroying who they are. Kael is going through a redemption arc.

He’s definitely going to end the xpac as the new leader of the Venthyr.

But… but…

Magister’s terrace was merely a set back!

But that goes against everything people had planned for Kael.


Yay! You’re back!

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thanks for the nighmares