Just give the alliance high elves already

Why would devs devote reasources to accomodate a portion of the entire playerbase population and give them a special treatment? Nothing in life is free, if they do this then the other players can and should demand special stuff too… like erasing the elves for example.

It´s not feasible by design alone. You don´t catter to specific portions of the customer population unless they too sacrifice additional stuff (usually bigger financial charges) in exchange. And I didn´t see you proposing bigger Sub fees for the people wanting to play another game inside WoW…

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I don’t know. How about the Horde mains answer this one? :rofl:


Ohhh, a “buut, buut!! Horde Bias!!” poster.

Last time I saw we don´t get special tratment anywhere -heck the last batch of races´racials were MUCH better in Alliance-. We don´t get a exclusive damage buff for ALL the races in raids, dungeons nor events. Nor can we automathically win an invasion or a game event by the mere fact of being Horde.

And before you start with the “muh barren population” QQ: blame your fellow players, that instead of putting on their big boy/gal pants and work towards making and keeping their mythic rosters, decided to act like brainless sheeps and take the path of less resistance by proxy of paying transfers to Horde. It´s a player made problem, not a design one.

People switchedf to Horde following a false premise -no, racials on Horde are irrelevant unless you belong to the 1% of the top players in which the damage DOES count for decimal damage gains; for the average scrubs like ourselves on the other hand this is negiglible-, and created the problem. Ofc, Blizz could help with the issue either offering free transfers to Allince (special treatment) or making more expensive the transfer to Horde (again, special treatment).

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Because at the moment, it is what the Horde has been getting?


Nobody play for Racial anymore tough Just saying

Be VERY careful what you wish for.

I wish Tarrok and all the other tauren can be cooked on one massive barbecue. I’m getting hungry.

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Rude. I like the Tauren.


But I’m still a Blood Elf, and Blood Elves do love there steak and burgers.

Alliance are extreme bigots; they’d never accept a race that didn’t look human enough.


You have access to Stormwind… They raise cattle.

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You saying we can use the castle to herd up all the Tauren to have one big Elwynn Barbecue?


Cattle. I said cattle. Not castle…

I’m confused.

No. No cooking or eating my Cenarion Circle member races…

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There’s enough Horde players who stay with the Horde and won’t play alliance because, I paraphrase “Why would I join the faction the devs don’t give a **** about?”.

How do you explain them? I mean, either they’re completely wrong or you are. And there aren’t all too few of them either. :slight_smile:


Oh, I’ll leave those Tauren alone. I’ll use Thunder Bluff and Highmoutain.

Go kill feltotem or grimtotem

Suuure… cause the argument of few randos on the forums = 100% reasoning on the Horde playerbase.

Heck, you guys are SO busy QQing over a perceived “lack of player population” you don´t even try to play on rated content -no seriously, this is not the first time people pretends WoWProgress is the Holy Grial on player numbers. Ignoring the tool doesn´t count people spending their time in game on stuff different from raiding. The tool discards entire portions of the playerbase by design, but of course, people wanting to use it to make a false argument conveniently ignore this “tiny little bit”.

I explain them as hysterical complainers too busy qqing to actually think over what idiocies they´re posting (some though are deliberately trolling btw).

Newflash, the biased perspective of individual players =/= objective gameplay design. The subjective opinion of randos on the forums is effectively IRRELEVANT in regards to the actual objective parameters of design imposed on the game. Unless devs implement real benefits for the faction (like a cheaper sub or cheaper services or buffs by default for content just by proxy of a PC being affiliated to a faction) ALL and ANY argument related to “Bias” is neurotic BS, no more and no less. Not based on facts but on the opinion of nobodies…

Great, why doesn´t it surprise me you´re one of the regular QQers unable to differentiate fantasy from reality?


Why is it so hard for you to understand that World of Warcraft is a fantasy game. Not a reality game. And that every player deserves the same fair equal treatment, regardless of what faction they are playing. Not this “one-sided game” because of the devs playing one faction.


So what makes your perspective, that of a rando on the forum, more valid than theirs then? I’m curious why you are the one with the unassailable truth here and how you gain these insights. Furthermore, what criteria do you base your alleged objectivity on?

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I know, last two expansions REALLY show how much the writing team at least loves the Alliance and is trying to discourage people from playing the horde. Some of us are just stubborn though.