Just give the alliance high elves already

and then for shadowlands the horde and alliance are teaming up again to stop yet another terrible leader.

Sadly that won’t be taken as an answer, they’ll keep living in the delusion. I’m living in the United States for familial reasons and I’ve seen this too many times. You can try your best to dispell it but it’ll basically never work.

The military legal concept is called ‘Superior Orders’, but it’s frequently known as the Nuremburg Defence or ‘befehl ist befehl’ in non-legal settings.

i like that you guys are arguing about me arguing saomthing i didnt argue XD
i just used it as an example if im wrong im wrong

It’s a pretty damn suspect thing to be wrong about if one isn’t just trolling.

coming from the person arguing that the horde is the big bad of the narrative when they arnt.

Not agreeing that the Horde is the villain with an Alliance stan doesn’t make someone a troll, mate.


they never have been even in classic they wernt the big bad

warcraft is a little different as that goes through the war between the alliance and the horde however there are even examples in that game that the alliance and the horde are pretty even as far as morality goes

They literally are.

Again. Orcs invaded Azeoth to kill all living things. Also made the path of bones out of the insane number of draenei they had slaughtered. Undead spent vanilla and bc making a more effective plague which they then unleashed at wrathgate. Blood Elves got the power for paladins from torturing a Naaru to the point it went insane and turned dark. Also mind control dissidents and exterminate their addicts aka wretched instead of trying to help them. It’s basically like if the privileged elite in nyc sent the middle class out to kill the homeless.

Claiming that people weren’t punished for their actions after WW2 even if they weren’t of use does though.

Forget to swap characters before agreeing with yourself lol?

whatever you say buddy

i was just adding onto it

sure you were lols

Nah, the Alliance has some serious catching up to do on the evil scale. Blame Anduin, mostly. I don’t really see why the Horde being largely ‘evil’ by conventional morality is a bad thing, either. They’re two fictional parties and personally I don’t mind playing on an evil faction; if SWTOR is anything to go by, the same is true for a lot of people.

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Because the entire point of the Horde post WC3 is that they’re not evil.


Then they should probably stop being so damn evil.

Yes, thank you. You’ve hit the nail on the head for many longtime Horde players.

Well, the natural consequence of that would be eventual, lasting peace between the Horde and the Alliance. The writers keep yoyoing back and forth on that, usually by casting the Horde as the villain.