Just give the alliance high elves already

its been confirmed to be 100% canon though.

like uhm the elder scrolls series has 2 books inbetween oblivion and skyrim and it wasnt written by a game dev but its been said that the books are 100% canon to the elder scrolls universe


lmao wtf XD

Yeah, the books are canon, because they get the edited and green lit by the dev and writing team. I mean, just google “Mongrel Horde” to see the direction the Dev team was looking at before WoD.

Again, its nice that you read the books and all, but the writer has to edit and rewrite their work around the dev teams vision, not the other way around.


ah ok, well i wish the info in the books was put into the actual game, so much is left out for the sake of the gamplay
its nice that they have been ramping up in game storytelling though in the past 2 expansions, im hoping shadowlands will have more cinimatics and voiced story segments

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I’m just saying, Christie Golden is an awful, awful, awful writer.


idk ive never read the books, i just look up the info left out of the game

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Hey man, Tides of War was pretty good, but I’ll admit that Before the Storm sucked eggs.

but but but another thing the time skip gives, is time for the high elves to make babies and not have such deminished numbers

If I have to read one more book about how great and amazing Jaina is and how the Horde are the Warcraft equivalent of satan I’ll be honest, I’m not reading any more of her books.


Elves don’t breed that quickly. It’s been made clear that their race is essentially in their death throes.

Dear god, I hate Jaina.

yes thats why they arnt a playable race and never will be unless they make babies but time skip gives them babies

But they kind of are or did you not do the war campaign or pay any attention to any questing zone.


Yeah population went out the window when they did void elves.


Not unless we time skip for a couple thousand years…

uhm no… not at all. sylvanus is satan but the horde itself has always been equal in morality to the alliance if not a greater force for good than the allaince

I’m not saying they’re not numerous enough to be playable, I’m saying they’re not numerous enough to rebuild themselves.

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No it hasn’t rofl. The horde itself participated in all the crud Sylvanas and Garrosh have done. The only time the horde has been even semi honorable was when Thrall was leading it. The only current horde leader with any honor is Baine who the horde playerbase complains about constantly.