Just give the alliance high elves already

If you’re going to multi class you may as well pick the class that means all gear is your gear as one of them.


So, this is interesting.

A quote from one of the WoWhead mods:

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the blue-eyed options are in fact available as player customization options.

Funny how he doesn’t say which race or not. Considering Ion says that Blood Elves will not be getting Blue Eyes, as Blood Elves have evolved.


Are not game developers.


That matters when it comes to things that are going to be added to the game, not things that have been added to the game.

high elves arnt coming. it is currently impossible for them to add high elves as a playable race or look unless they gave it to blood elves
they would need to change alot of stuff which cant happen in shadowlands however the time skip after could give them what they need to add them in


The difference between a blood elf and a high elf is that the former left the Alliance and the latter stayed with the Alliance. That’s it. That is the only difference between say Veressa Windrunner and Lor’thremar Theron. They’re still largely the same race and would be carbon copies of each other. At least Dark Iron Dwarves spent several years in a completely different mountain while being subjugated by a Black Dragon and Ragnaros.


That’s not confirmed.

They’re gonna burn you alive for saying that.

They’re giving mages flame ward in Shadowlands, I’ll be fine.


but it was.
in the interview after being asked if time flows slower in shadowlands he replied that we will know the answer to that when we return and see how azeroth has changed

thats literally confirming a time skip

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Neato if true, got a linko for papa?

i can attempt to find it this was over a week ago but thats why everyones talking about a time skip now, because it was actually said in an interview lemme see if i can find might take a sec due to it being older info

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It highly implies a time skip. For all we know, time flows way slower in the Shadowlands and it’s only be 3 days since we left when to us it was years. We don’t know, we can just speculate.

Time will certainly have passed, but we have no idea how much, for all we know nothing happens.

yes but think about how bad the state of azeroth is right now ansd ther fact that they have run out of things they could do in the current world. a time skip opens up endless posibilities for the next update and fixes so many problems like undercity being plagued.

ontop of this a comic was released by blizzard around the same time that shows andwyn as an old man

adwyn wont be following us into shadowlands so he along with all the other leader will have aged if theres a time skip

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Complete shot in the dark here, I’m not going to base this in any logic or evidence. I’m gonna guess we’ll come out with Baine as warchief and also a tired old man and Thrall’s kid as what Anduin was in MoP.

theres so many theories rn but all we know is its highly likely there will be a time skip, and the possibilities are endless

I have a WoWhead link, I’ll edit it in in a sec. Ion says it’s not a fixed number, it’s chaotic. It could be that one day for us is three days on Azeroth, and next thing we know a day for us was an hour on Azeroth.

I just said I wasn’t basing it on logic.

I wanna point out that less then 8 years have passed on Azeroth since Vanilla. Stuff changes very fast dude, doesn’t necessarily imply a time skip.

I think that quote could be referring to a lot of things other then a time skip, like, for example, how will the world react to the afterlife being revealed to them, or to how threats and heroes of Azeroth have changed in death. Hell, a lot of things change with the general public learning that Bolvar is still technically alive.

yes but we need the time skip. like its seriously NEEDED. so im really hoping its reffering to the time skip

Sorry, was quoting to get your attention, I wasn’t picking at what you said. Anyway: https://www.wowhead.com/news=316065/legendaries-professions-torghast-and-heritage-armor-wowchakra-shadowlands-interv

Time Passing in the Shadowlands

  • It’s complicated.

  • There isn’t a fixed amount of time like 3x or 10x faster like in a sci-fi movie. It’s more chaotic.

  • What does that mean for the player? We’ll have to see when we come out the other end.