Just give the alliance high elves already

Ditto, really. Now imagine having to write a character analysis of Darth Vader over all six movies, with citations.

I never wanted to watch the Phantom Menace more than once. I watched it six times in a row for that (very important) paper.

Nope! You do not get to start that when you willfully ignore hard data.

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But enough about a good portion of the pro side.


You’re a prime offender there, too, y’know? Your pal won’t even google, but keeps presenting her hilariously wrong numbers as fact.


I don’t particulary get too much into anything that can be called hard facts. Other than pointing out when people abuse the term to refer to personal interpretations of ambiguous events. Or the pretzels people twist pretty clear statements into to try and make them support their POV.


How about both. Considering that you have also pushed for fanfiction as well.

like what

im not the one claiming alliance high elves arent presented in lore and even in game as an extremely rare thing

For starters, how about part or misquoting what Ion says.

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you gonna give an example or what sara


This ought to be good.

i don’t think we need another elf, but it would be fire if void elves could turn into high elves out of combat

it would fit really well, and alleria already does it


but i thought it was about the lollore of some massive population of alliance high elves that never left? :smile: also you have the option to be a white elf in the game already, the horde is waiting as the game director said

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i don’t follow his high elf biz

i have no clue what your talking about

thanks for proving my earlier point sara objected to. that pros discount everything thats been said about alliance high elves. because if they acknowledge that a blood elf is a high and high elves are already playable this whole topic becomes redundant as asking for playable horde humans

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I do kind of love the helfers’ about face on the validity of quoting Ion.

How about this post here for starters where you think Ion only there is 2 High Elves, with that video that you linked.

Which my response to you was:

Or how about this one:

That is fanfiction because you have no real source to the future of the Silver Covenant faction. But I can confirm that the Silver Covenant is still Alliance, as we had Vareesa Windrunner with Andiun and Jaina at the gates of Orgrimmar and in Rachet too, and she still has “Leader of the Silver Covenant”.

Or how about this one again where you’re part quoting what Ion says:

Which to my response:

Don’t pretend you or Anti’s don’t post Fanfiction when that is entire false. Because you do it quite a fair bit.


and lorthemar and thrall and saurfang and thalyssra and baine and rexxar and zekkhan

vereesa windrunner appeared in a personal capacity because her sister IS SYLVANAS WINDRUNNER. just like when she went to argus with liadrin, aethas, and some nightborne. that was done in a personal capacity too with no other SC members in attendance

look if they were alliance they wouldnt be absent from 99.9% of the questing experience. they would be EVERYWHERE fighting for it and they wouldnt be sitting in dalaran for the biggest faction war in decades


How’d you find out about my Genn/Nathanos stories!? I made sure to keep “Hair of the Dog…” completely anonymous!

She said fanfiction that’s false, family.


Apparently googling the phrase “shh, it’s okay” results almost exclusively in ASMR videos. So uh…