Just give the alliance high elves already

“The high elven nation’s conduct at the end of the Second War led to bitterness and resentment toward the elves”

They were pretty impressive back then, I remember running the heroic IC dungeons when they launched with two guildies who were pallies, and I’m pretty sure I was just along for the ride and the two of them would have no problem at all duoing it.

Well, specifically the guy in charge of the assembled forces of the alliance did and no one questioned him at any rate.

And how exactly am I supposed to do that with the ARs? Is Blizzard going to let me design graphics to replace the ones ingame? No. That’s a bannable offense. So, I’ll stick to “these decisions you made sucked” until EVEN BLIZZARD understands it.


I mean, you can go ahead and complain to your hearts content if you want, but blizzard isn’t strictly speaking obligated to acknowledge you in the first place, let alone consider your arguments.


We’re well aware of this, yes.


They were blood elves by the time the Kael’thas and Garithos thing happened.

He had already returned home and renamed them.

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yeah i like being a boring goody two shoes. hehe

not so. its a combination problem. it stacks. it isn’t one thing by itself.

best is an exaggeration but while our raiding and pvp scenes bottomed out, the idea we might need emergency help in as many forms as possible, seemed likely and necessary, else the game will malfunction.

no we want to play a race we’ve been allied with since tbc/wotlk.

well now i wouldnt go that far.


… That was sudden.

Like I said, I’m half convinced Joyeuse is a long con troll.

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You guys at it again with that responding to month and a half old posts.

They’re green from moss growing on their skin, not just living in a forest. Sand trolls are a better example.

Yes, I know.

Or being infused with it, as we saw in the Blood Furnace.

I know. That cinematic at the end of the WC3 orc campaign turns my green IRL everytime I see it.

It is genetic, but it appears to be recessive, brown takes over green. Look at Thrall, two green parents, was born green.

Genetically a bit different but not enough to be a new race.

It’s a reference to how Thalassian elves are only Horde exclusive in the first place because the Asian market needed an attractive race for the Horde. This is old information. Get with the times.


youre the one asking for playable alliance high elves because of a few NPCs and that you cant stand playing the horde



Half? You new here, son?


I’m fully convinced after the first interaction with him.

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I know this may sound shocking to you, but Forest Trolls do look and behave different to Jungle Trolls. Also, I don´t think narrowminded prejudice and racism would be an atractive trait, nor much less one denoting intelligence for people on the brink of extinction.

That´s the beauty of the Blood elf loreand implementation: it took arrogant people and humbled it down so much they even learned that sometimes you have to forgive, forget and accept allegiances with people that was your enemy 2 secs ago. It´s a very mature development.


But, I thought Anti’s don’t flag?

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Well I have seen a lot of horde players asking for nathanos style undead which is like asking for humans kind of, as well as asking for alterac/syndicate humans.

I haven’t seen anyone ask for it in a while though.