Just give the alliance high elves already

Your guild name speaks a lot of you.


I’m legally obligated to say:

Sethrak sethrak ssssethrak! :snake:

(I just want them playable, don’t care if Horde or Alliance)


First of all, High Elves are not a Horde race. We have had High Elves within the Alliance longer than the Horde having Blood Elves. And before you say Blood Elves are High Elves, Blood Elves do not consider themselves as High Elves, and even on the day when Kael’thas Sunstrider proclaims in the Rise of the Blood Elves, he says, “we are no longer High Elves”. Blood Elves were High Elves.

Second of all, it has been a request, not a demand. 2 completely different things. Yes, some have been demanding, but that is only some. Most have only been requesting for the Alliance High Elves to become playable.

Third of all, if you don’t like seeing these threads, why continue to come into them and post in them?


Dude I’d love to have them but I can’t see how the devs can add them without causing either faction to go insane; either the logical thing happens and the alliance goes insane or they join the alliance which would be up there with having a cut scene in shadowlands of tyrande sharing a glass of wine with her beloved sylvanas.

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Mostly because I’m a stubborn prick and when I first started reading this thread a week and a half ago the personal attacks I saw mid-thread ticked me off


So, give them something else that’s actually cool instead. Alliance was very, very happy about Dark Iron Dwarves, for example. And not just because of the racial. The fire hair is cool, the models look like they actually had work done. DIDs rock. Work done + cool = AR that is a win.

Then you get fat humans (they did have work done, and are actually well-crafted; right up until you get to the mogs and suddenly your character’s weight varies greatly depending on what he’s wearing, which is just…bizarre) and diaper gnomes (aptly named, btw. Sloppy worksmanship on top of that.). It does not matter how good their racials are. To most players they look terrible and their themes make most people you ask about them go “Just…why? Why even?”. Even if you like them, you are going to have to face the fact that most people do not like them at all. Thus, they feel they’ve been short-charged by Blizzard.

When you get short-charged, the whiny, spineless thing to do is to just suck it up. The adult thing to do is to open your mouth and -insist- until you get your money back, or the police get involved and you get your money back.


the high elves were almost executed by the alliance so they said screw it and joined the horde they werent forced except by the alliance


And I been dealing with these threads since 2015. I can tell you, I used to be an Anti, and any of the pro’s here on the forums can tell you, I used to be extremely BIAS and toxic as an Anti.

Anti High elf options for Alliance reasons have some of the craziest mental gymnastics I have ever seen…


Probably true.

I won’t get into it here. We have thoughts on this in the Unofficial Sethrak Discussion thread.

They tend to range from yeah they’ll go horde to heres a long winded unlikely way they can go Alliance. Lol

If Sethrak aren’t going to be deeply explored, just make em neutral, since they don’t really have a deep story that would be made bland by neutrality.

The Devoted Sethrak stay with the Horde, worship the Loa and just keep vibing with the Vulpera and Zandalari.

The Faithless survivors flee to the Alliance and gives them a mostly fabricated version of events that makes them seem more sympathetic.

Eh, Paladins were a pretty big portion of that too.

No, the petulant thing to do is to complain about what you don’t have. The mature thing to do is to work with what you have and figure out how you can fit it into what you are working on, because in life you will very rarely get exactly what you want the way you want when you want.

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Ok Karen.


Garithos is only one person. He wasn’t all of the Alliance.

And actually, at the time, they were known as Blood Elves, not High Elves.


I highly doublt most of the Blood Elven population is Paladins.

I mean, back in BC, it was good to give the Horde Paladins and Alliance, Shamans, but I highly doubt most of the Blood Elven player population is Paladins.

No, at the time they were called high elves.

Further, there is a certain irony to this arguement given how many alliance players blame the horde for the burning of teldrasil.

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You never got short changed. Blizzard never said they were giving you blue Helves.

That’d be like going to a burger king, gorging yourself on burgers, and then claiming a chargeback because you really wanted a pizza


Who knows now, but Blood Elves were the only way to be a paladin so a hefty chunk had to go with them, and with how powerful they were back then that was a good incentive.

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I vaguely remember eversong on TBC launch night being jam packed with paladins with hunters rounding out most of the remainder, so that checks out.