Haven’t we talked about Blizzard writers before. They use fingerpaints and are struggling to master large crayons.
My prediction is that playable Quel’dorei High Elves will become a thing after The Alliance and Horde cease to be things. Not before.
Haven’t we talked about Blizzard writers before. They use fingerpaints and are struggling to master large crayons.
My prediction is that playable Quel’dorei High Elves will become a thing after The Alliance and Horde cease to be things. Not before.
They got 3 new hair options and none are curly? Come on, if void elves have some semi-curly hair and humans are getting curly hair surely at least belves can have some. Would be cool to see trolls get some too. Made my Alliance character void elf just for the hair options, they’re great.
Necklaces look great too.
there ya go.
you might have more luck finding the one about girlfriends not wanting to play horde, by including the word china or chinese. i think it was when blizz wanted to expand wow into china, and a poll showed most chinese would not play horde. to this day, even with the advantages horde has had over the years, and even with 2 elven races and cute foxes, the chinese still prefer alliance.
This was also when the game was still comparatively new and had room to grow. That time has passed.
No, they’d find a reason to complain, because they wouldn’t be the perfect ideal that people thought they were going to be; the hair or the feet or the racials or the class options or the va would rankle them and they’d be right down here in the forums whining away about how the devs hated alliance.
I’m not surprised some people prefer Alliance (such as myself). I started out as Horde because I thought the story of a people struggling with their past (specifically the orcs) was compelling. I tried out Forsaken which bothered me after playing an orc for some time but not enough to switch.
I didn’t switch until Garrosh especially the bombing of Theremore. Which I took, rightly or wrongly, as some kind of reference to 9/11. Personally I was offended that I was forced to help in that which is why I don’t get why they are let off and its Garrosh’s fault or not Sylvanas. That’s when I realized oh, this isn’t noble savages, these are villains.
Every expansion in that light has been the reinforcement of that theme of a story about villains. Even though they keep trying to play this small rugged group fighting for their place in the world they always have this overarching villainous actions that make that seem out of place. And frankly unwanted when I really am there to play the villain for a bit.
I’m against those folks that want to Alliance to go too far because they want to be edgy too. I don’t mind we play around with how the Alliance would handle a Garrosh type leader (I’m not sure we’ve ever even come close). There are times I want to see that but I’m pretty sure that would just end up turning me off the faction.
It really boils down to when some people want to play something and be the hero, the Horde isn’t seen in that light for us. And its really because Blizzard hasn’t wanted us to see them that way for some reason.
The alliance hasn’t experimented with chemical/bio warfare at any level to the best of my level and certainly not to the extent that the forsaken have (where it has been a force multiplier since the foundation of their nation), nor have they had a leader who had the complete and utter abscence of morality to do something like this.
I’m also not advocating for this sort of approach because again: morale bankruptcy abut also because it doesn’t exactly allow the players to actually be heroic in any real shape or form.
As to the Vindicaar: the only thing we actually know about it for certain wrt it’s weaponry from the canon (no pun intended) times it’s been utilized have been when we had to manually remove shielding from 3 artillery pieces and when it shot a hole in the wall of antorus, all of which were heavily fel infused targets along with every other thing on Argus.
Further, it wouldn’t make sense for the vindicar to have been designed with a more broadly effective weapon’s platform since it was expressley meant for an assault on Argus and having weapons of comparable power that had a more broad base of effect would have meant having a bigger power drain on the systems (which were incredibly limited given how turalyon was constantly begging us to go and get him argunite).
Now if you have any other instances of it being fired with comparable effect against non fel targets your welcome to cite them.
EDIT: caught the part about shooting the broken ship. Which was broken. Truly compelling proof that the vindicar is the ultimate weapons platform.
The ship is built before the conflict starts.
The comparable Real world equivelant would be a Nuclear submarine.
Edit: Also I like how you are wildly over extending the range and firing capacity of the vindicar; at best it has a range of about a thousand meters and needs to be stationary while it powers and fires it’s beam.
Which means that it is a very big stationary target. With a teleporter pad on the inside.
Remind me again why people think this thing is the ultimate weapon?
Even if it is, war is inherently unpredictable to a degree. Your ideal scenario is not going to happen just as much as “the vindicator flawlessly glasses the planet without casualties” is not going to happen. The ugly reality is likely to be somewhere in the middle.
It’s also why “Just use the sooper weapon!” makes for terrible gameplay for the player even if they’re the ones pulling the trigger.
Usually, yeah. I’m not sure I trust the current devs to do something entertaining with a superweapon, like Lucasarts did back in the day.
The Vindicaar argument confuses me because the Blood elves alone easily took over other Naaru-built spaceships, what’s one more?
And now the horde has Occuleth and the telemancers, so boarding the VIndicaar or even just sending it an assortment of the most innovative goblin explosives is definitely a possibility. Dude was able to set up a connection to an alternate universe.
Not all the Ship has Canon. Most of them are kinda Flying City if u want. Like the one in NetherStorm. While the Vindicaar was made to fight the Legion.
As for Occulet the problem is that he need to set foot somewhere first to be able to teleport or know the terrain. If he find a goblin spy to serve as conduit then yeah he can teleport. But unlike Jaine he doesnt have a Mass teleport Army Spell
Occuleth literally sent us to a paralell time line on a planet he’d never been to.
It’s a shame that the wartime uses of telemancy are likely never going to be explored. Sure, you’re going to need an anchor to make a reliable, stable connection to a specific point, but Occuleth has shown the ability to send people to places where there was no prior anchor before.
I would imagine sending primed explosives or whatever to an Alliance capitol wouldn’t be too hard of a job, especially if you don’t care about precision or worrying about anyone being lost in transit.
It also passes up the simple fact that Improper use of telemancy would lead to utterly horrifying results.
Dont remember this quest which one it was again
Maghar recruitment quest.
Doesnt he used us as conduit cause we went there before ?
I can’t quite recall (I did the quest over a year ago).