Just give the alliance high elves already

Congrats in completely ignoring my point and using an irrelevant argument to counter it (cause dear, the real politiks involved in Alliance-Horde interactions and how this impacts the races that end up affiliating to the Horde have literally nothing to do in regards to the fact Man´ari Eredar are ex-Burning Legion demons who willingly have participated on the genocide of entire planets by milennia; and this is the perfect excuse for our incompetent writers to pull a MoP 3.0 but now using a Man´ari Eredar racial leader instead of Garrosh or Sylvanas 4 years from now).

Heck, the idiocy on an scenario built under this failed premise (A.K.A. Man´ari Eredar go petition for a spot in the Alliance roster… to share friendship with the regular and the LF Draenei?) is hilarious.

Simply put it, Man´ari Eredar can´t be used in -according to you- typical Horde affiliation scenario (in which the Alliance push the race towards the Horde unfairly and by suspicion/association) simply because they aren´t innocent partisans and frankly deserve to be exterminated by both Alliance AND Horde races (and considering Draenei and LF draenei already got the pleasure of dealing with both Archimonde and Kil´jaeden; the most proper scenario is to let the Horde races heavily affected by the burning legion -Orcs, Belves and Forsaken- exterminate what is left of them Man´ari demons, period.)

Not exactly, Horde is deffinitely more about “let the past die” (regardless of how meme-ish this sounds) culturally and politically wise while Alliance seems desperate about keeping the status quo. The big fail in the narrative is how devs love to reset the Horde advance in the story when it´s convenient for their “PvP expacs”.

Or the horde can stay in the Barrens and durotar and not try to take night elven lands, and leave our trees alone. They have more oasis lands now, they have druids and shaman, they can grow their own darn trees.

I’m not so sure about that… I mean, if you are really talking about both sides fielding everything, the Vindicaar alone would probably wipe out the entire Horde army. And that’s before factoring in any Deus Ex MacJaina shenanigans with flying ships shooting arcane siege cannons.

I wanted a lot of things too.

Doesn’t mean any of them were going to happen.

You can ask. There’s nothing wrong with asking.

Eastern ashenvale and azshara haven’t been night elven lands for a long, long time.

Though if we’re going to discuss “returning lands”: the alliance is more then welcome to vacate the arathi highlands since it’s traditionally troll territory.

Uhm both azshara and Eastern ashenvale were only claimed as recently as cata, and only azshara is mostly uncontested. Why do you guys need even more night elf land? What horde land can we take in return?

I’ve seen no evidence to suggest that the vindicaar is actually a viable weapons platform against non fel infused targets.

But let me just float how the alliance gets annihilated in a no holds barred conflict with the barest ammount of planning.

The horde builds a ship. A big one with lots of cargo capacity. They fill it with 6 months of rations, telemancers and blight bombs. That ship sets sail on a random course so that no one knows where it is, but it can recieve a message to initiate it’s use.

When this ship gets the message, it teleports it’s payload into every alliance stronghold, supply depot and capitol, effectively annihilating the command structure of the alliance in a way that makes the burning of teldrasill look like a gentlemen’s duel.

With the majority of it’s forces decimated and it’s rulers dead what’s left of the alliance is a series of isolated commands that simply aren’t prepared to deal with this level of catastrophic break down, and most likely they capitulate as quickly as possible.

There’s still the Naga on the Zoram Strand side but the rest of what you say makes a fair bit of sense.

The night elf in me wants to say no. But this would really make sense to keep peace and still regain most of our home.

Actually, eastern ashenvale has been horde territory since wc3 and Azshara was neutral prior cata.

As to horde land: you guys seized the arathi highlands and chunks of the barrens, so it isn’t like this hasn’t been a two way street.

The horde has an outpost in eastern ashenvale, and took over a couple of others in cata in their attempt to take more night elven lands then.

I actually came up with this a while back when I was trying to theory craft what a world without sylvanas looks like and how thrall would have established peace with tyrande in the wake of the legion invasion.

As a side note, my conclusion about how things go? Actually gets exponentially worse for everyone, with the alliance more or ceasing to exist and thrall struggling to hold on while the major powers of the day (Arthas with the scourge, the old gods backed by neltharion, and the legion as led by Kiljaedin) cause unfathomable collaterol damage duking it out with each other.

On the positive side: no garrosh.

So even if Eastern Ashenvale was Nelf land, weren’t the warsong to be entirely able to get situated and established before the Nelves even noticed, meaning that they didn’t really have any strong presence in the area?

Honestly my solution would be for the Nelves to share the druidic knowledge needed to grow lumber without chopping trees in exchange for kicking out all horde presence in ashenvale/darkshore/etc. Take away the economic value of Ashenvale and there’s not much need for the Horde to have it.

Both sides can fortify along the valleys leading into the Barrens/Stonetalon and the river to make a quick invasion from either force impossible.

I’ve been trying to figure out why we haven’t taught the Tauren this… They should be capable.

See, I just suggested something similar. The horde has druids and shaman, they could grow trees themselves without constantly going after night elf lands.

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Alleria never calls herself a void elf anymore, boy. She’s a high elf to every single one of us.

The green skin and the red eyes was from fel corruption from drinking demon blood or being around it in the case of the Frostwolves, and red skin was from drinking demon’s blood again, red eyes went away for the green skin orcs when Mannoroth was killed and their blood slavery was broken, and the fel corrupted orcs corrupt their children and they’re born green based on Durak being brown instead of green because his mother is Aggra it’s straight up not genetic. Only difference from Mag’har and our Orcs is that they didn’t drink the demon juice, and are from another timeline.

The lore on skin color only really exists for orcs, and elves, any other races it’s just like “Uhh these trolls are in a forest environment… so… they’re green”

The forest trolls have a light moss on their skin.

for nearly 10,000 years, trolls and later orcs as well, killed blood elves/high elves. then the scourge came and killed them too, some of which were given free will by sylvannas. and for some strange reason, blood elves joined the trolls, orcs and former scourge that had either been killing them for thousands of years, or more recently, nearly wiped them out entirely. thats because the theme of the horde is redemption. a former eredar is no different than a former legion orc. they’re just draenei who were corrupted by sargeras, same as orcs who invaded azeroth


Strictly speaking it was the amani troll nation that did this. They later joined the horde but were beaten back by the end of the second war.


And fail, due to you glossing over a few key points:

  1. This was a very different band of orcs then the ones that came north 20 years before hand.
  2. The forsaken were clearly independently minded and had a pathological hatred of the scourge while also being led by Quel’thalas’ former general.
  3. The Dark spear are from a completely different nation then the amani.
  4. The alliance screwed them over soooo hard during the events of WC3:tft.
  5. Even if they hadn’t the alliance was completely out of position to credibly aid them against their most pressing threat (the scourge remanant).