Just give the alliance high elves already

Assuming that Tyrande was actually being kept abreast on the logistics of the war it would have been clear to her that this whole thing was a mass suicide pact that would leave the winning side ~horde or alliance~ so gutted that their faction would be effectively dead.

But then, that’s always been tyrande’s fatal flaw; her inability to admit that she made a mistake and prefering ideological purity to the reality of the situation before her.

We need to actually see her being kept in the loop. It has to happen, for it to be part of the story being told properly.

If that was the case then her’s would have been the first name on the sheet since any conflict with the horde was a waste of time.

She’s a senior member of the alliance, I’m pretty sure she’d be aware of any and all major decisions.

No it hasn’t that’s your claim which data doesn’t back up.

Pretty much sums up the entire pro-helf position for why it’s a good idea to add them.

I don’t see why she needs to sign a peace treaty with co-genociders in order to hunt down the main one first.

Except data does back it up. A single race being added to the horde over time entirely reversed the faction gap to the point that race now comprises 40% of the horde. Vulpera moved that gap even further out. People like things that are cute or aesthetically pleasing. Adding in the history behind high elves they would absolutely help. None of the off the wall bs that antis like to push as being good for the alliance would help they would all be tourist races that people would play for a day and go you know what I don’t want to look like this.

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Because not signing the peace treaty with the people who ousted banshee derp unneccesarily complicates her supposed goal?

Can we have Ashenvale back then?

“The data” indicates that a handful of racials (goblin rocket jump being the big one due to it countering forced move) were considered optimal for clearing specific raid content and thus caused a migration of end game players to the horde. This led to a diminishment of available players on the alliance side and thus more transfers.

Blizz’s response to this in BFA was to provide the alliance races with stronger overall racials in order to tempt players back, but this was met with overall derision by he alliance player base itself because “aesthetics” and likely diminished interest for horde players to transfer back due to them not wanting to be pilloried for being “fat humans” or “diaper gnomes” despite the fact that both had more interesting lore and themes then the hypothetical helves could have brought to the table.

Thus my conclusion that the addition of queldorei as a playable race would change basically nothing for the alliance beyond pleasing a handful of enthusiast and angering others who would complain about their hair, their VA work, Their animations, their feet or any of a dozen other meaningless bits of taft.

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I’d be fine with everything east of the one river being recognized as horde territory and everything west of it and north of the mountains (felwood, mount hyjal, winterspring) being alliance territory.

This gives the horde their logging grounds and allows the nelves to more concentrate their rebuilding efforts.

Yeah I kind of shrug a bit when I see people pushing certain races for the alliance as any kind of fix. Yeah, some people might play ankoan/jinyu but the fantasy of a reverse mermaid isn’t what many people are looking for.

As much as this ruffles my feathers… It’s not a bad compromise.

I’d live with that.

No, we will not compromise.

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I’d rather play grummels then high elves since at least they’re something that I haven’t seen copy pasted across every high fantasy setting ever.

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Hey whatever strokes your fur my dude. No one says you have to play a high elf if they are playable, it just gives those of us who want to the option.

It also has side benefits for the Nelves; you get a buffer against Naga raids from the sea, the most contaminated parts of ashenvale are out of your hair, and a clear border is established with the horde relinquishing settlements they currently occupy.

You might as well play blood elves.

I have some blood elves. I want high elves too.