Just give the alliance high elves already

Or get him turned into a figurehead as a large amount of humans are probably not ready to just forgive and forget.

Personally, I’d be more for “coup followed by regicide”, but, we’re getting Shadowlands instead.

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Anyways, here is my daily support for playable High Elves for the Alliance.


I gotta say, hating the horde for an atrocity pushed by exactly one Horde leader while begging for the rest of the Alliance to commit far worse ones is extremely on brand.

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Well, that’s how these things usually go. Personally, had Teldrassil never happened, peace, post-legion, could have been a very realistic thing. The writers decided to kickstart a war instead with a random atrocity they are now realizing was a bad idea. So, they have no clue how to handle it, because if they go by what history has taught us about these things, first it’d have to escalate, a lot, before it calms down again.

The horde followed said leader right up until she left but okay.


His point is actually valid; both horde and alliance are effectively gutted militarily so continuing to fight at this juncture simply isn’t viable. Further, whether the alliance “wins” the ensuing conflict or not is ultimately moot since it would only serve to further sylvanas’s goal of killing as many people as possible.

Like, people don’t have to like it, but peace is simply the best option at this juncture.

Rationally, yes. It always has been. But, it’s not the most plausible option and it’s not one that large parts of the Alliance could accept in a post-Teldrassil world, if they were actually living, thinking and feeling entities instead of ones and zeroes. The response to something like that is rarely rational, and if it IS to be rational, needs to be explained, in depth, to the stand-ins for those who lost the most.

And where exactly is the scene where Anduin explains the necessity of peace to Tyrande and she actually buys it? Yeah. Doesn’t happen. So, we have a fairly implausible resolution that isn’t put on a sufficiently solid foundation. It’s sloppy, at best.

You realize they’re likely going to be addressing a lot of this early in SL, and that the night elves who died are likely going to be instramental in either working against Sylvanas or having their Anima bring back the wild gods?

It’s not like they’re just dropping the subject forever.

Your last couple sentences fairly sum up blizzards storytelling ability from the time the first group of main devs moved on to project Titan after the Tournament came out in Wrath.

We don’t know that yet. It’d be nice, but, until I see it, I’m going to have to keep my verdict to BFA’s resolution as “unsatisfactory”. For both sides, even. I’ve played the Horde line, too.

Which is bizarre, really. I know fanfiction authours who produce better causality for free than Blizzard’s writers currently O.o


The thing that’s lost on tyrande and a large number of alliance players is that the odds of them actually winning a final fight to the death at this juncture is 50/50, and even if you do actually win the losses will be irrecoverable; history is littered with examples of great powers spending so much time dick waving at each other and ultimately creating a power vaccuum that allows a third party to devour both of them (example: sassanid v. byzantine empires ultimately being devoured by an emergent islam).

You are giving blizz far more benefit of the doubt than they have earned. They are notorious for retconning, chopping story lines while leaving tons of loose threads and making extremely brief and unbelievable leaps because they ran out of time. Despite taking years to supposedly meticulously plan each expansion. Heck, now that they have finished up with BFA there is likely one team already working on the expac after Shadowlands.

Well, I don’t really care who wins that fight. But, if it isn’t going to happen, I want it properly explained why in the game, in a way even Tyrande understands it. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

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The reasoning was made clear: the war is pointless.

That tyrande and gen are (understandably) pissed that they’re expected to take one for the team is moot.

I’m okay with not killing them for now but Anduin signing a peace treaty and then acting like Tyrande has gone off the deep end for not trusting it or wanting to sign is bs.

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It was made clear to the player. Heck, we knew that going in. It was not made clear to the night elves. They were just dropped off to the side and not really handled by the story, because that would require a minimum of thought and effort. The issue is not that we, the players, don’t realize peace was the optimal course. We’re more than aware of that!

The issue is that it was not made clear, in the story, to the NPCs who would realistically be against it most.

Thing is she has gone off the deep end; she’s so obsessed with vengeance that she’d rather maintain a forever war then refocus her efforts on hunting down a person who’s been exiled from the horde.

Effectively, she’d rather get more and more of her people killed in an ultimately pointless conflict then rebuild and is thus furthering sylvanas’s cause.

Especially as there are many players who have seen this cycle repeat enough where even we arent for peace. Personally, I would rather go with Tyrande and Genn than stay behind to see which horde leader goes nuts and starts a war.


Uhm her main goal is to hunt down sylvanas.