Just give the alliance high elves already

she doesnt care about nathanos, hes a tool and he knows this thats why he gets so made at the player when reffering to them or when sylvanus praises you

he might be her main general but thats it.

Sylvanas died once, and became undead. She then died a second time as an undead and was sent to hell. Specifically, she commited suicide after Arthas was killed. This was before all the

ah yea thats fair, but was that because shes undead? or because she killed herself

She’s one of the only characters in WoW to have commitied suicide, and the others that have it was permanent I believe, and if it wasn’t their beyond the grave experience wasn’t explained. That is, if there are any. I believe there are a few but I can’t recall any.

However, there’s different types of undead, and the type forsaken are do go to hell. Death knights don’t strangely.

However (again), all of that lore is pre-chronicle and the chronicle could’ve shaken that idea up. I also haven’t read up on this lore in years so I’m unaware of any new updates to it.

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No we have enough allied races in the game already and frankly they all suck

yes but… the forsaken and the death knights are created by the valkyrie. so that makes no sense

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I question it as well. There could be different types of reanimation :man_shrugging:

I’m not knowledgeable on this area of the lore, and there was probably more info in the chronicle for this.

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Why Alfgerðer like all my posts? Me like pretty elf lady but me confused

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maybe you smell just slightly better than the average stinky orc

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It’s unclear really. I mean, I think she earned the maw from her actions. From the time she get freewill, up until she killed herself, she committed plenty of atrocities.

But some think she may have gone there just for being undead. I don’t know if that’s the case though.

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I give likes for the messages; not necessarily the person.

Pffft, he’s a HUNTER!
If anything, he’s gameier!
Takes a DEEP breath!
Oh yah; blood, guts, and clogged pores!
Now THATS a musk!

I’m a hunter but at least I’m not BM.

And I’m using an axe too. With spikes. That makes it a lot better. And my armor is using fur since it’s 1.) orcish, and 2.) I like cold zones in game and IRL and the fur makes it more immersive.

You’d like both those things I’d bet.

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cause alliance is full of racists. haha. why did the devs do that to their own game.

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Because at the end of the day breaking apart a military alliance when a very hostile and bloodthisty Alliance is baying for your blood is suicide. And leaving your forsaken allies to be exterminated because their leader went cartoonishly evil is also not exactly ‘honorable’

We’ve seen what happens when the Alliance invades Horde lands and it’s no prettier than the reverse. SI:7 sent agents to specifically kill civillians in the UC, so you know what their stance was. And if UC goes down and the Horde is splintered, do you think the Alliance stops there? Hell no.

Well maybe they should have turned on her and tried to help the night elves instead of helping her burn it then? Mages were helping, shaman were using the elements to help, people fired the canons. The only one who voiced any objection was Saurfang but still did nothing to actually stop it.

Begins slamming her own :axe: against her :shield: while howling like a :wolf:

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You could make that case, though we know Saurfang wouldn’t have survived the attempt (Though I think him doing that and being jailed by Sylvanas would have made a better story). I don’t think any other lore figures of note were there beyond Nathanos so it wouldn’t have gone well.

Frankly, the War of Thorns is just kinda a mess all around. Horde goes from “We’re going to do this so that we can make faction war unfeasible, and we’re going to minimize civillian casualties because we’re not monsters” to burning down Teldrassil.

And Teldrassil’s supposed to be this huge culling of the Night elf race but I’m pretty sure zero lore important characters were affected so uh…

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I like you: you’re silly.

We’ll stop…
…when the forests are regrown, fertilized by rotting horde corpses.
…when the last sludge-pit is cleansed.
…when the unnatural forsaken have either cured their condition, or are in their graves WHERE THEY BELONG!
and, finally…
…when we can go hunting and fishing and DRINKING, with like-minded individuals OF WHATEVER RACE.

For all wars end.
We end it, or it ends us.


Worse, the way Teldrassil got burned down didn’t make any sense at all given the past continuity. The tree the legion, with their space ships, and hordes of demons (!) could not kill gets torched by catapults?

You can tell whoever wrote that has never been in a forest in his life. Even a normal woodland as wet as Teldrassil would take more effort than a few catapults loaded with firebombs could manage.

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