Just give the alliance high elves already

this is entirely why you got to choose weather or not you sdied with sylvanus

No, you got the Horde version of a Lich King.

A Lich Queen.

But the story with both factions is just as terrible as each other.


we didnt. sylvanus is by far not garosh 2.0

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yes exactly and arthas was such a cool villain. by far the best


There is precedent for this!
In the Night Elf start zone, in one of the last quests before you go out into the cold cruel world, the Shade of the Kaldorei mentions something about how everyone goes all ‘nazy’ and then we ‘wake up’ to find several weeks have passed, in which a number of significant changes have occurred.
This could work; especially in a world that is based on MAGICAL principles.

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Come on.­­

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Hey, let Alfgerar be. He is just giving everyone a beer.

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It’s an Albany expression.

Albany as in New York state? I don’t know if this is a joke going over my head or not.

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Nah, I think he means Albany as in a Western Australian city.

Yeah a choice that cane after the horde marched on Teldrassil, burned it, and then showed up to defend her sewer. Plus it seems like canonically enough stayed loyal right until the end, given that they weren’t sure the alliance forces combined with Saurfang’s could win against Sylvanas’ forces.


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well no the horde vastly dissagreed with sylvanuses actions at the sewer but you cant just betray your leader right. like for example in real life even if you deny an order as a soldier you can be stripped of your job or worse.

deserting and traiorous acts get punished. hwoever you should look up the hordes side to that battle it was pretty obvious the hordes leadership at least really hated sylvanuses actions

I dunno, everywhere seems to have an Albany.

i mean sourfang literally chose imprisonment over following her

A lot of the horde actually turned against Garrosh pretty quickly.

I was trying to make a steamed hams reference and it looks like I botched it.

thats cause garosh was doing bad thing lol

The Panderan option; at the end of the start zone, you get to chose!
Alliance, horde…
…or True Neutral!

which wont even be a thing anymore, thats being removed inshadowlands
thier starting area and choosing it physically