Just give the alliance high elves already

What would be cool is if, due to upcoming events, both the Horde and Alliance fall apart and are replaced by a more dynamic faction system.

Let both Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei High Elves have Silvermoon/Quel’thalas as home territory. The Ren’dorei could be something special and seperate with some, much needed, additional lore.

No one loses and everyone gets to be what they want.

But, then there are the Blizzard writers, as you correctly observe. So, I don’t know.

U talk about a game Developper. Im sorry but when u talk lore wise they aint a reference. They have people paid to create lore. This guy job aint lore related at all. So i wouldnt use that as a reference

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its not bad at all, high elves are a specific case because there are only like a handful of them. like i dont know the actual number but id say canonically less than 20
void elves have many mroe numbers

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“But also, there isn’t a clear example of who or what the High Elves are as a larger group, that remains in Azeroth. There is a couple of them…”

Are you sure he is talking about individuals or is he actually talking about groups?

Because, it sounds to me he is actually talking about the groups of High Elves, not High Elven individuals.


Honestly, I prefered Ion when he was the lead dev for raids. He did a good job there. But when it comes to being the lead dev of the game, he hasn’t been doing the best of work.


i really really hope they do a good job on it, because a time skip has the pottential to fix literally everything thats currently wrong with the game as far as azeroth and the factions goes


unless your a horde player and then hes done great

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I was a Horde player. Mained Horde from when I first started playing back in TBC until earlier this year when I switched to Alliance.

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Sorry but it aint true cannonicaly or not. There is High Elf in lots of places. Its just n excuse cause they dont want to add them. U caint say a small group of people who werent happy with horde is more than Agroup of people who didnt change alliegeance. Cause ths is what BE are. They are HightElf who left the alliance for political reason

i think its really funny how many people dropepd alliance after maining it since vanilla just because of the vulpera. its absolutely hilarious

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I think it is just bad game design with the races. But that is my own personal opinion.

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Its my way.
That, and dealing with too many REALLY hostile horde-cheerleaders.

a friend of mine mentioned they should make it so that any race can join any faction. so like faction is seperate from character creation which would just compleatly get rid of all those rpoblems, but then it compleatly gets rid of the horde v alliance thing and lore

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Absolutely. Something like this is what I’ve been wanting. The current story line is just an unrecoverable mess. WoW needs a serious reboot.

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I asked you before why you spell with an umlaut instead of a ring, and you said it was a dialect. I’ve asked you a few times which dialect it is and no response, now that you’re here, could you answer?

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I had a thought about that too. After all, it was only Ghostcawlers own opinion thinking nuetral races are a bad idea.


the game is going in a very new direction with shadowlands and with a possible time skip afterwards im hopeful. all we can do is hope that the devs make a comback and dont just drive it into the ground again


I don’t want to work with people who burned my home on behalf of zombie barbie so I’d like factions to remain.


With the time-skip possibility after Shadowlands, I am just hoping that Blizzard isn’t going to ruin it like what they did with WoD with the AU scenario.

Idk why allaince fanboys think the Horde players are super pumped about BFA.

They promised us that we weren’t getting Garrosh 2.0

We got Garrosh 2.0