Just give the alliance high elves already

theres nothing but a camp site and tiny remnants out there inflated by your fanfiction into populated metropolises full of alliance loyal high elves. nothing has ever been said here that really changes blizzardss stance, that theres a couple and that they arent out there as you fanfiction


Don’t blame the elves for writers being unable to think of any reason for them to join the horde outside of their feelings getting hurt.


Thank you for agreeing with my continuing assertions that help prove that Blizzard deliberately makes this game solely for the benefit of Horde players and that Alliance is just here as filler.

All of which is fine by me; I LOVE being the underdog; the heroic struggle against overwhelming odds, including unfair advantages, is a great and constant theme in my ancestral culture.

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Post an official source of where it says there is only 2 High Elves canonly.

Then stop posting fanfiction.

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well no… the lore reason behind high elves joining the horde was because the llaince turned them away when they tried to rejoin the alliance. if you havnt noticed the alliance is full of self pretentious racists. they always have been thats why the horde is a more diverse faction becasue they accept everyone

There are enough though. If a handful of goth blood elves who got kicked out by the other blood elves can be playable, anyone can.


well yea but you cant blame them when the majority of the playerbase is horde. i mean have you seen how many people changed thier alliance character to a vulpera the moment they unlocked them? alliance numbers have dropped further just from that x3

i mean thats fair but i think blizzard wants to try and do this big reveal if they add them, like some big lore thing that involves them. not just go haha we added them

which is why im hoping for the time skip, im not against high elves i just dont believe they will be added without some huge event

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and remember just ONE NPC, and his beer keg, was more than enough for an entire expac!

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the time skip is just a theory based off a recent interview with i think… ion? i dont remember the devs name but it oppened up the possibility of this massive time skip that will compleatly alter azeroth, which could open up possibilities for so many things high elves included

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Takes time to actually read the whole post, for once.

That works.
Thank you!
:beer:, and a :beer: for you!

there are not just two… theres many mroe than 2 but there arnt alot, which is why you dont see them often in the story and stuff besides jaina

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i mean, im advocating for you to actually get the race you wanted. idk why your so hostile.

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Actually the blood elves on the horde bought into Anastarian blaming humans for his own inaction. They legit were content to sit there while Arthas destroyed their former allies in Lordaeron because they didn’t think they were also a target.


I don’t think it needs a huge event to be honest.

I mean, adding Vulpera was the final straw for me (Reason why I switched to Alliance). Seeing so many people switch to Horde because of the Vulpera has really put the final nail in the coffin.

Now, usually, I play any race for the lore, on the exception of my Warlock here because I love to pull big numbers when farming for mats for my tailoring, doing WQ and stuff, and with a Voidlord that can’t tank, the racial that prevents cast pushbacks is useful.

I don’t generally have an issue with the Void Elves, the huge downturn for them is that there is really no lore in regards to them. It was just one of Ion’s moments of, “lets just make something up and shut the alliance up.” And after playing through on the Alliance side with there AR’s, it does feel like the Alliance are getting pushed around.

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Dude what do u think Void Elf are yet they made it into a race. This ecxuse is bad

oh i know, and i think we all know ion didnt mean literally a couple

but that alliance high elves are individuals and are meant to be an extremely rare thing

:tropical_drink: :smile:

Too true, they need to fix blueberry.

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