Just give the alliance high elves already

All black dragons use a human form.

Ebonhorn does not.

delusion and denial of the high elf story following the RTS into WoW. its the only way you can say this with a straight face. the race has already been implemented and is playable

high elves are blood elves. a few do exist in the alliance but that doesnt change the obvious truth and they arent sign of a massive missing or thriving high elf population(confirmed by ion). if you believe that, you are projecting your own fanfiction on the game world

the largest concentration of non horde high elves left in the game arent even sworn to the alliance. they simply live in dalaran. a few are part of the SC, but they dont even have their own building to protect anymore. they were primarily used to counter the sunreavers and blizzard seems to be switching to a void/blood elf narrative

you say they are a huge part of the alliance(STILL) but everything disagrees with this as they seem to be a big part of the dalaran sc/sunreaver story which is now superfluous to the high elf story with the arrival of void elves


I hope Murgy comes back soon.

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They should just give Quel’dorei High Elf customization options to the Sin’dorei High Elves. Cheap and easy for Blizz.

Have Tyrande get in the Windrunner sister’s faces, about whatever. Letting lose with a rude, barely coherent rant, occasionally punctuated by insane cries of ‘Malfurion my love!’.

Then, in a typical Elven snit, the entire Quel’dorei High Elf population decamps and joins The Horde.

No more controversy, done and done. :wink:


Vereesa went to Tyrande and Malfurion’s wedding. They seem to get along just fine.


the only thing that can happen with the SC at this point is an emotional death or reunion arc. its that or fade away into obscurity like the scryers from TBC. can you imagine after shadowlands and the next expansion go by and all they have is still the purge?

what as rhonins plus one? they get along so well vereesas comment after stepping through a portal with the rest of the kirin tor is “wow never thought id share a camp with night elves”

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Nice headcanon as always.

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Horde demanding alliance race #3453646344
NO skäl for imperialist thieves.

edit Admit it! for all your ‘for the horde’ nonsense, you not-so-secretly wish you could be ALLIANCE!
Bad guy always thinks they the the good guy.


alliance will probably never get high elves unless the time skip blizard is planning for after shadowlands allows them to reproduce enough that they arnt just a tarnished race of refugees that didnt get effected by the curse plaguing blood elves
cause blood elves are high elves, they just got tainted.

a time skip could remove the 2 mages from SW and boralus entirely. remember there used to be 3 canon ones in SW. then in legion they removed the one located in the harbor

What can I say. Elves just seem to gravitate to the Horde and will use any pretense, however weak, to do so.

…says the wandering fox with no history.

yea but we know blizzard isnt going to just remove a race. even if a race drops to 1% play rate they wont remove it as seen with gnomes.

unsure why that has anything to do with alliance getting high elves

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no they will simply ignore it; ESPECIALLY as seen with gnomes.

lmao truth

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No, not all High Elves are Blood Elves.

All trucks are motor vehicles, does that mean all motor vehicles are trucks?

What you see in game is not canon numbers.

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There was no curse. Blood elves chose to drain mana from critters, change their name, join the horde, and the green eyes are from fel crystals used to power their buildings.

High elves chose not to do those things.

Also if the “crack squad” of void elves is enough to be playable, high elves have plenty.


i mean they are basically cursed right? its not like they can just undu the effects they caused
but the reason high elves wont be added anytime soon is theres not enough to warrant it right? there just arnt that many high elves left but with the possible time skip there could be thousands of high elves after shadowlands so why tf not after that?