Just give the alliance high elves already

No definitely not.

The Alliance isn’t about animal characters.

I mean in all honesty to me, there’s seriously no reason for them not to exist as playable races by this point. In the current iteration of the game, what’s the honest harm if they were made instead of Void Elves?

Sorry I couldn’t hear you over the sound of your hooves.


The irony in your post is astounding.

Big big oof

There’s a multi-thousand post thread on the topic.

I’m aware of that.

You act as if they’ve been able to all this time.

Blood Elves came out in TBC.

AR system was added at the end of legion.

BFAs ARs were planned ahead of time and through the end of BFA, don’t know how you believe they’ve had time to start taking considerations until the past 4 or 5 months.

Most of it doomsaying, fear mongering, and lore denial but what you gonna do? :man_shrugging:


Hey you. Yeah… You.

Are you… Also a High Elf fan? Asking for science.

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Yus ma’am :raising_hand_man:

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Thank you! Why are you a fan of High Elves?

/leans in with mic

taps mic

Uhh, cause they’ve always been right there

And…a lot of people want them :studio_microphone:.

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There are only 10 though. Haven’t you heard?

That’s not a very big number.

Neither is 15 yet Blue Blood Elves are a thing. :tipping_hand_woman:

I was talking about fans of High Elves. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol let me guess, Tarrok?

Probably even Hecatone :rofl:.

I’ll give the antis one thing, their adamant crusade does not leave room for the understanding of populations in any sense of the word.

Not like we have 8+ Pro High Elf threads with 300+ likes each or something.

But wait, the 2nd anti thread is about to hit 200. Guess we better give up :cry:.

Imagine still pretending active posters are the only people who support the grander request and not the hundreds who stop by and leave a like on the OP and the people against aren’t just you and 7 other people who are truly adamant and the literal rest just want to stop hearing about High Elves in the forums and don’t care either way.


Deleted the post above since I thought you said forest trolls, and the response would’ve been much different.

Frost trolls have been around since classic, the Frostmane in Dun Morough. They added 2-3 new frost troll tribes in Wrath in Zul’drak.

Had we gone to Zandalar and gotten frost trolls instead people would absolutely be upset. It’d make no sense and be shoehorned to get them instead of Zandalari. Most would agree Zandalari are way cooler too. I don’t know that players would be as upset as they are with void elves instead of high elves for various reasons though, because void elves were entirely new and pulled out of nowhere whilst frost trolls have been around for a while, even if not in the Horde, and it could make sense for them joining.

That being said, people would absolutely still be upset, just not on the level as pro high elf players are with void elves instead.

If we had instead gone to Zul’drak and not Zandalar, that’d be upsetting as well, since Alliance would’ve gotten Kul Tiras and kul tirans, which people have been eager to see for a while as they have been with Zandalar, but the Horde gets recycled content, even if Zul’drak would make a pretty cool capital. There’s also the issue with leveling zones and such, but I know your post wasn’t meant to be an actual alternative.

The Quel’dorei and the Sin’dorei have very little difference. It’s implausible to make high elves playable unless blizz were to make belfs neutral.


Three if you count Kalec’s humanoid form.

Alodi (uses human model)
Arator (uses Blood Elf model)
Kalec (uses human model with unique, but low res, face texture)

Wrathion might be a possible fourth but I am unsure if there’s any cannon source that claims his humanoid form to be a Half-Elf or not. Blizzard may have simply used a Thalassian model as a basis for a more svelt and swarthy “human” for Wrathion.