Just give the alliance high elves already

Pssst… Are you a fan of High Elves?

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Just a bit of a fan, yes.

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Thank you for your cooperation!

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No it’s not look at the percentage that blueberry elves are of the alliance and people don’t even have emotional attachment to those. Race changes = $$$$

Oh for Pete’s sake, first the “A company will totally sit on a money making decision for over a dacade for a rainy day” argument, soon followed by “This race that was specifically designed to be neutral exist!”…

Y’all want to give me a stomach ulcer, I swear.


Remember kids. Having different opinions than others causes physical harm on General Discussions.

Post carefully


I actually disagree about this.

90% of the high elf populations were wiped out. Majority renamed blood elves and eventually joined the horde.

If we are taking player numbers into consideration, blood elves would be like, 40 to 50% of horde players. (I do not have exact numbers or evidence, but it feels that way).

With the numbers skewed like this, it doesnt seem right.

Players and npc numbers does not make sense as a reference.

There had been arguments that high elves should not be playable due to their population numbers. I used to agree with this. However, with the introduction of the void elves, this argument is no longer valid as canonically, the number of void elves are even lower.


This could just as easily be replicated with a brand new race.

Like ethereals.

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I can agree to that. We do have an over saturation of elves now. I can understand nightborne, but void elves came out of left field. In all honesty that’s the biggest problem I have with them.

yeah i agree with you when you put it like that. I am against void elves just as i am against high elves. They never made sense to me and just seemed like a lazy compromise to those that demand high elves be made playable.

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Is not about “wrong opinions”, you’re simply thinking that a company, which main objective is making money when they can make it, will not follow through with a money making decision, ignoring completely how businesses work and then you’re comparing apples to oranges in the case of pandaren because it was a one time thing, the race was indeed designed to be neutral and reportedly blizz was not happy with the whole thing.

And opinion, would be saying: “Come on blizz, you can totally make money with this”… I would disagree, but it still be an opinion.

Another opinion would be: “You should have added High elves as neutral”… but that ship has sailed.

Me sitting here and nitpicking how business works isn’t going to get anyone anywhere. Because to me when something is wildly requested by the community, then it should be listened to. For instance…

“Blizzard removes PvP Vendor”
“PvPers plead for vendors to return”
“Blizzard listens 2 expansions later”

How easy would it have been to have a vendor? Stupid easy. And I hold the opinion after observing the PvP community splinter from what it was that this was yet again easy money that they missed out on because of silly decisions. In my eyes, this one is no different.

If instead of getting Zandalari Trolls they instead added Frost Trolls, how do you think the players would react?

Do I know the number of players who would’ve played it? Nope. But I feel like there would be the same pushback as there is for High Elves right now. And for me, that’s an opinion. Just like what my original post was. An opinion. Tons of players asked for High Elves. Nobody requested for Void Elves.


No it couldn’t. I don’t get why you keep spamming this bs. People like playing elves as well as attractive/cute characters. It’s why Vulp have a huge playerbase while diaper gnomes have basically none.

There is no other race that has the emotional attachment and history within the alliance that high elves do that isn’t already playable on the alliance.


And how exactly is what you just posted here not extremely racist?

(this is why we don’t bring RL into fantasy arguments, btw)

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I agree that nobody asked for it, but the voice acting for the female version won me over completely.

That sexy accent may not be everyone’s taste, but it sure is for me. Credit where credit is due.

Oh for sure I’m not knocking it. If people like Void Elves then they like them.

Because as we all know players can be relied upon to ask for things in an objective and impartial manner based on what they think will improve the game as a whole and not just for them.

You’re right. There are plenty of situations like that but there are obvious ones that really make no sense as to why you wouldn’t listen to players. Again, imagine if players got a completely new troll race instead of the Zandalari trolls. Horde players would riot.

Just the voice though. I am still against sharing models between factions.

But, for void elves, i have to quote specialist traynor from mass effect:

“Not with that voice! It’s like feeling smoky satin slide across your skin in soft candelight. Just… mmm!”

Like how they haven’t listened to players on high elves?