Just give the alliance high elves already

When pandas were added there had been no separation for any amount of time. That’s not the case with high elves and blood elves, they’ve been living in different places a while and have different views, possibly different habits and lifestyles at this point.

That few?

The pandaren we play as come from the wandering isle which is separate from pandaria. They are the same as the pandaren on pandaria, but that doesnt matter much because they werent separate for long. The very few remaining high elves that separated havent been separate for long at all either. Plus there arent even that many of them it wouldnt make sense to suddenly see a ton of them running around in the alliance.

Oh don’t start the numbers argument, especially from a velf character. Player numbers mean nothing to the lore, if they did most of the races wouldn’t be payable at this point.

Also both groups of panda we play are from the wandering isle. They hadn’t lived apart at all.

Player numbers absolutely matter to the lore. I was also very against void elves and still am. I chose it strictly due to the racials. As far as what i said with pandaren, the pandaren on the wandering isle have been separated from the pandaren on pandaria longer than the high elves renamed themselves to blood elves and there isnt any difference between the two. Regardless though void elves are a separate race. They were mutated by the void. I dont like it they only brought them in because people kept begging for high elves so this was their compromise.

‘high’ elves and blood elves have never lived in different places. and by that i mean they are city dwelling elves either in quel’thalas or dalaran

and again, blood elves are high elves. they are virtually indistinguishable. if you want the high elf fantasy, you can have it. its there on the horde. there is absolutely no need to clone an existing race, story be damned so you dont have to play a high elf on the horde. high elves ARE playable

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exactly this. pandaren should never have been neutral to begin with

If player numbers mattered to the lore you wouldn’t be playing a velf whether for the radials or not.

Heck, my night elf here might have been deleted after Teldrassil if player numbers were meant to align with lore and vice versa.


The lodge elves say hello.

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this is exactly why im against void elves. it doesnt make sense lorewise but their racials are too good to pass up. A lot of nelfs escaped the genocide which is why there are a ton in Stormwind now. They still make way more sense than playable high elves or void elves. I believe i read somewhere they’re now retconning the burning of teldrassil too

They are retconning it? How so?

Honestly, my biggest disapointment so far was the inclusion of nightborne and void elves in the first place; there are soooo many interesting races that could be added to either the alliance or the horde that would have added more depth; Jinyu, Hozen, ethereals, Quillboar, Arakoa, Saurak… any of these would have been better picks then more bloody elves.

That having been said, I’m actually hopeful that SL is going to be an expansion that doesn’t add new races or classes, so that it can focus purely on honing the classes we have and developing compelling narratives for both factions.

Theres also the fact that the nelves had other population centers then teldrasil; Valsharath is absolutely infested with them.

someone made a post on the forums about it like a month ago. I found it by searching genocide on the forums. titled NElf genocide didn’t happen.

exactly. not every elf lived in the tree

The World Tree was more than a city. It was an entire land, home to countless innocents. How many night elves were elsewhere in Azeroth? Far too few. Now, they were all who remained of their people.

Sylvanas Windrunner had committed genocide.

Doesn’t seem that high now.

I’m not saying that nelves are fine or that the burning was fine.

i’m saying that the idea that they’re teetering on extinction or irrevocably crippled is a bit of an overstatement.

I say we need less elves so im for it. Lets kill off the remaining high elves while we’re at it to end the debate haha.

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I’d really rather not.

Better choice would be to merge the velfs and helfs.

Im against any compromise but if they were to do another compromise then it should be to have a second form like worgen. when you’re not in combat you can look like a normal elf. similar to alleria

How about we not ask to kill races out of spite? I don’t like a lot of the ars we got but I just don’t play them and I request the ones I do want.