Just give the alliance high elves already

we did, finally. i think we need one of those pink netherstorm domes. do it proper like. we gots our own ethereal big wig. he should have an entourage but he’s just surrounded by various kinds of high elves

huh. i didnt get that impression but you do have a point, that there arent very many helfers in this thread

Because the horde and the alliance are supposed to be seperate entitites with distinct ideologies; by adding the same race to both (and one of the ones from the first expansion at that) to the alliance only serves to make it more bland (on top of high elves being the blandest race I can think of in wow).

Furthermore, the horde getting blood elves is probably one of the most important decisions for the purposes of developing WoW imho; the horde’s original cast was made of traditional “monster races” while the alliance was made up of “noble races”. By adding the sindorei to the horde we as players were forced to reexamine the nature of the horde since at first glance the Belves were an anachronism; they were beutiful, graceful, cultured and civilized so why were they a part of a faction of monsters? And so we looked past the aesthetics to see what all of these races had in common: forced exile, a refusal to be broken by the hand that fate had dealt them, looking past appearances to see the strength that lies within.

Frankly, the alliance would benefit more from the addition of pretty much any other race more from both a lore and distinction standpoint.


And I suppose I disagree on the sole mentality that the High Elves have been a part of the Alliance for a very long time now. I think BFA was a great opportunity to get some of the already preexisting races while adding in new ones which I think fell short on Alliance side. And there’s probably disappointment for Horde side too.

I get it though because essentially what happens is the Smash Bros effect where it just feels too saturated. I’d say right now, Blizz should take a step back and just let these races lie for 2 hard maybe 3 expansions and focus on content.

i always wanted playable jinyu, and then they reappeared in BFA! would love playable jinyu with the updated ankoan model ofc for the alliance

i always felt pandaren should have been horde and jinyu should have gone to the alliance

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Muh hozen!

Me gonna ook you in the dooker!

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I always saw them as chaotic neutral and lawful neutral tbh.

Source? Legit ones please, show numbers.

I do see how it is for dnd standards

In smt though, law endings usually have the people stripped of all individuality.

Chaos ending usually turns the world into a survival of the fittest environment.

Neutral endings usually preseves the current status quo.

I really need more updates on smt5.

I don’t think they would need the same racials or models. They have lived apart and have different views.

As we all know, identical twins look nothing alike once they move away from each other and join different political parties.

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Nah. I feel they would have the same model. Racial though, would be different.

High elves are still essentially the same race as blood elves.

On the other hand high elves never learned mana tap.

High elves and bloods elves are not identical twins. Blood elves and other blood elves aren’t even identical.

They havent been separate for long. nothing changed but their names when they became blood elves it would be the same thing again.

if you use the search function then you can sort that question out for yourself; there have only been about 12 billion posts about this so far.


Nah, it’s not quite gleeful enough. There also will be dancing.

No they’re not, they’re the same race.

Your name is fantastic.

They don’t need to have been separate for long. We’re talking a slightly different build and stance combined with different hair options and preferably different animations and whatnot.

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They’re the exact same race tho. If they were to add them it would be like pandaren. exact same thing just different faction

The same race, but not every blood elf woman is identical to every other blood elf woman.

Blood elves are represented by one playable model, high elves could be by another.

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