Just give the alliance high elves already

Don’t have that information. Never claimed to.

its been hours did we ever get those 10 people? guess your position isnt as big as you thought after all

Didn’t think you could.

Simple fact is high elves aren’t free money for blizz; they’d have to do writing, animation work and hire VA’s (and this is assuming you don’t bother with developing new racials) all of which would cost them money, none of which would pull in new subscribers in any sort of signifigant numbers because the simple fact is: pretty much everyone who is going to play the game at this point is doing so.

so itd just be fan service, like vulperas or void elves.

Void elves were the compromise that the Alliance got for high elves; they wanted to give alliance players something distinct and new, with the only failure on Blizz’s part imho being that they tied their origins to belves.

are you a fan of high elves? one of the people on the thread thinks its just 10 people who want them. so if you would add your position, yea or nay, we can tally you onto the list

Should be if the person is a pro high elfer.

Like, i am a fan of high elves but i disagree for them to be playable.

In comparison to Void Elves? I think it would’ve ended being a much bigger payoff. Considering that nobody really asked for them but they did in fact ask for High Elves. It’s like if instead of giving Zandalari Trolls you got Lightforged Trolls instead. We don’t know where the numbers could’ve been so speaking statistically is pretty much useless without raw information.

You can very well see the want from players who wanted High Elves.

I am. You can add me to the list.

i guess i need to verify, if you’re pro playable high elves for the alliance, which clearly you are, but verification apparently needed as per aalis’ comment above

Well, it is obvious he is all for high elves being playable so… lol

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No I get that people wanted them, but the core issue is that their simply isn’t enough to distinguish them from the blood elves; The biggest things I’ve been able to get when people argue they’re distinct is that they’re sort of like weeaboos, but their obsession is human culture.

Yeah. I’m for playable high elves for the Alliance.


i agree with you. lore wise i have no dislike for them. i just dont think they should be playable. they would literally just be changing the name of blood elves and making them playable on the alliance too. physically blood elves and high elves are the same so they would have the same racials and everything. plus high elves would need new lore behind them as to why there are so many on the alliance now as well as a capital city.

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thanks. hehe. i guess i could go recruit from the high elf positivity thread and helf discord, but i cant be bothered since i know fyre would just laugh that i did it in the first place. :rofl:

What seems to be the problem with having races that look similar but are on the opposite factions? There are plenty of races already that are pretty distinct with both Alliance and Horde.

like our floating rock, that only recently got a bed and chairs and an innkeeper. hehe

well kirela proposed that thinking they would instantly get 10 people to respond and it backfired beautifully. pretty much a few people bothered responding showing how little people actually even bother with these threads themselves besides the regulars

Gasp! You got those?!

Lol yea im not a fan of the void elves zone.

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