Just give the alliance high elves already

I’m accusing you of posting stuff up that no has said. Like where you said that people who like the Horde think it’s made up of Alliance rejects, which is not something I think anyone who cares about the Horde has ever thought. I wouldn’t say lying, a lack of understanding perhaps.

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I wasnt happy with void elves being added in either. I prefer no more elves. There are too many. I chose this for the racials only. I believe blizzard said they regretted making pandaren neutral. They should add new things that havent been added yet.

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no not alliance rejects. people who might have joined alliance, join horde instead because horde is seen as inclusive and alliance is depicted as rude and unforgiving. that is, till anduin. he’s different.

I am deeply curious who these “signifigant numbers of people” are who have been holding out for 15 years on subscribing to Wow due to the abscence of high elves.

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It’s statistically insignifgant.

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You could look at it like that. The Alliance is stable but incredibly resistant to real change, while the Horde is unstable but sometimes that means a Thrall or even most AU Garroshes (apparently) are able to make great strides in a very short time. This also means an awful leader can have very quick negative effects as well.

This guy and all his mates.

While I agree, I don’t see the harm in them. It’s clear that there’s an audience who would’ve loved to have them on Alliance side. Those dreams seem to be dashed now.

Based on what information that you have?

before we get another unique race, can we have at least one pretty race with normal proportions? the original races were designed as exaggerations, caricatures, till blood elves, who are closest to normal physiques.

no thanks, way too many unique races that should go long before more subraces.

this is just sad reasoning we have been hearing for over a decade now. if that was all they cared about they would have done it by now

void elves are super popular. they seem to be enough for the vast majority of alliance only players and they definitely made blizzard more then a pretty penny(and still do)

:wine_glass: :smile:


yeah they would need to alter the lore and make enough high elves on the alliance to have it make sense why theres a ton running around now. They would need a new capital city than the one they’ve owned and still own since it couldnt be neutral territory.

I wouldnt mind them fixing the current alliance races again then i guess. I dont think they look that bad, but then again i dont really care what the race i play looks like haha. idk i think humans look pretty normal besides all the males looking like their on roids.

look at my face. i look like i slept with the mascara on, and after a dunk in frigid water, snapped this lovely photo.


The irony of all of this is that many of the horde races have gone on to become signifigant powers relative to where they were prior to joining the horde; The darkspear tribe is probably a match for any of the major troll nations aside from the Zandalari, the Bilgewater cartel has become a powerhouse due to their alliance with the horde, the Tauren tribes of kalimdor united and settled across most of mulgore and even with the exile of the Grimtotem their grip on the lands from feralas to stonetalon is strong… hell, even the Blood elves have been able to claw their way back to a position of prominence on the world stage.

and the females have large forearms, no wrists and their hands are too small. they also use to run just like men. now they run like…well i cant describe it. not sure if its based on an actual female human being lol

Based on the fact that anyone who’d care is pretty much already playing the game and the alliance getting the most bland of all possible races isn’t exactly going to wow people into subscribing to the 15 year old MMO.

But if you have evidence to the contrary, that high elves would bring in another 200k subscribers I’d love to see it.


Lol i never even noticed that. Maybe im just the anomaly that doesnt care what their character looks like.

Nowhere in my post did I say they didn’t. And I disagree that it’s poor reasoning. Regardless, we have what we have.

Yeah but like you said, we have enough elves already. Adding any more at this point is just too much.

Stopped here. My request was for information. Not your personal view on the subject matter.

Heh. This actually made me think about the alignments of each faction. Not exactly dnd alignment since i dont play that, but smt ones.

Alliance: neutral (preserving the status quo)
Horde: chaos (survival of the fittess)

Now who could be law? Maybe the lightbound?

You’re more then welcome to provide evidence that this would add signifigant (lets say… 200k) subscribers.