Just give the alliance high elves already

Nobody says this.

Like, the forsaken are the only ones who wanted to rejoin the Allaince and got rebuffed.

At the absolute nadir of Garrosh the Belves were negotiating, but they themselves turned the Alliance down after the Alliance proved to be no better than Garrosh.

The rest of the Horde races never were inclined to join the Alliance lol.


really? i hear that all the time. that the horde are about redemption and the alliance are unforgiving louts or something

wouldnt accept the forsaken cause they were basically scourge with free will.

wouldnt forgive the blood elves because of the second war.

were rude to the nightborne because 10,000 years ago azshara caused the sundering.

enslaved the orcs, even the ones who didnt embrace the legion’s world domination thing. and wouldnt forgive them, didnt trust them.


No “Horde afficiando” defines the Horde as a bunch of Alliance rejects. And you thinking that is hilarious considering the Horde’s main reason for existing is as a refuge for people who don’t want to be defined by the Alliance.


On their own terms and in their own manner, not on the Alliance’s.

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what i mean by that is horde fans, people who like the horde and its lore.

Why would alliance be given high elves when high elves have been on the horde since BC


dude, i’m not an actual member of a real alliance on a real planet called azeroth. i’m a person trying to play a video game. calm down

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yep ANYONE can play a high elf right now, they just dont want to because they are horde

:wine_glass: :smile:

Given this post, I think maybe you’re the one who needs to calm down.

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exactly! i dont understand why people keep begging for high elves when they’re already in the game!


well you’re getting offended by my comment that was just saying that the horde are seen as forgiving and inclusive and the alliance are seen as unforgiving and suspicious. this is how they are written, by the writers of the game lore. i did not write it. other people point these features out to me all the time, and you’re all up in my grill about how they do this on their own terms. well duh. whatever.

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because i like the alliance aesthetic. i like night elves and dwarves and gnomes. they’re funny and cute and lighthearted. i like it.

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I’m not offended, I’m just pointing out that you’re telling porkies. I’m having a very nice day, you’re the one who’s suddenly accused me of thinking WoW is real life for discussing the lore on the forums.


Alliance not having high elves is honestly free money Blizzard is missing out on.


If there’s any overarching meta narrative in WoW, it’s stagnancy vs change.

The Horde races as a whole are constantly having to change and adapt. What worked for the orcs/Trolls/Tauren/Loraedonians/blood elves before WC3 suddenly won’t work for them in WoW and their entire societies changed.

Meanwhile the Alliance story is basically one big eternal “back to status quo”. Every major event that happens to the Alliance has them change minimally from it. I would say that this is likely why a lot of Alliance fans feel slighted by the storyline while many horde fans also feel slighted.


so you’re accusing me of lying.

tell me again, why the nightborne didnt join the alliance, but did join the horde? Was it because the alliance was inclusive and forgiving? was it because the horde wasnt inclusive and forgiving? that i even have to point this out is evidence you’re just nit picking so you have someone to browbeat

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oh so like the theme of progressivism vs. conservatism?

It might be but it seems like with this they care more about the lore than making money. It doesnt make sense for them to be playable on the alliance. They would basically be making blood elves playable on both factions.

Ehh it doesn’t quite make too much sense to put Void Elves in their place though. Also we have Pandaren. Not sure why there can’t be something similar for both sides too.


i’d be happy with half elves - et.al, half high elf, half human, but the devs have never shown any indication they were interested in the two half elves in the game lol