Just give the alliance high elves already

I’d say that ship set sail long ago. Not that I approve of it.

There is no trade that should even be considered as a topic since the alliance isn’t and shouldn’t get high elves, imo.


part of what antis tell me is the horde theme of redemption, can easily be extended to former legion eredar, if it can be extended to former legion orcs. is it just cause it was suggested as a trade? i presume you think belfs are better looking then eredar. haha

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That’s throwing your lot in with one of the biggest baddies in the universe, it makes a big difference.

Power absolutely. Somewhat security and survival, not as much as power though.

And this whole “Man’ari” and “Draenei” split is the reason we’re green, I don’t see the orcs forgiving the Man’ari for indirectly turning us green and causing the explosion of our homeworld to a decaying mass called Outland.

If by Legion orcs you mean fel orcs, then I’ve no idea when that happened.

When races join the Horde it’s not really through redemption, it’s usually through the Horde saving them in their hour of need. The Darkspear when a sea witch sank their islands and the orcs took them with to Kalimdor. The tauren were saved from extinction by the hands of the centaur by the Darkspear and orcs. The vulpera saved from enslavement by the Horde, etc. Some races are exceptions though, think forsaken and zandalari.

Or you know just finish off the WC RTS races finally. Give horde ogres using the KT rig and high elves to the alliance.

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Erm you do know which group invaded from another world right? Hint it wasn’t the alliance

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Other than Elves what native races to Azeroth does the Alliance even have? Ok, and Pandas too

Human Gnomes and Dwarves were all created by the titans and then changed due to the curse of flesh. Vykrul having weak children who were then sent away is what led to humans. Dwarves from the Earthen. Gnomes from Mechagnomes.

Orcs on the other hand came from another planet and came to kill everything.

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So, one faction is made up of invasive transplanted races, with a few representatives of native races.

And the other other faction is pretty much entirely purely native to Azeroth with one invasive species that was brought here by some of those titan-invaders.

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Isn’t the Draenei the only non-native race to Azeroth that the Alliance have?

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Nope, elves and pandas are the only native ones they have, all the rest are offshoots of titan constructs brought in to watch over things.

What lol? The precursors to the alliance races were formed by the titans on azeroth they weren’t transplanted rofl. There were literally formed to take care of the planet.

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So the Titans are native to Azeroth?

Interesting. I never really noticed that.

But according to WoWPedia, not sure if it is entirely correct:

The titans (sometimes capitalized) are a race of colossal, planet-sized cosmic beings, composed of arcane magic and the primordial matter from which the universe was born. They roamed across the cosmos like walking worlds, imbued with the raw power of creation itself. The titans used this incredible force to find and awaken others of their kind. Hailing from the far reaches of the cosmos, they shaped and brought life and order to countless worlds across the Great Dark Beyond. They were described as perfect and majestic beings who are akin to gods.

Now, if that were the case true with what WoWPedia says, then it also means that every race that exist today are not native to Azeroth.

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Not sure if trolling or not. The trolls which are presumably the ancestors of the elves didn’t even emerge until after the Ordering which came after the titans came and fought the old gods. Before the titans came the aqir and nraqi ruled azeroth in the name of the old gods with the help of enslaved elementals.

So yes the ancestors of the alliance predate everything except the bugs/faceless ones.

They are, it’s not presumed.


I think the point I was trying to make sailed way over your head.

Or the “point” you were attempting to make flat out doesn’t fit with the actual history of the franchise.

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From ask a CDev round 2

Q: What races were on Azeroth before the coming of the titans?

A: Besides the elementals, the only known sentient races on Azeroth when the titans’ forces arrived to subdue the Old Gods were the trolls, the race known as “faceless ones,” and the aqir. Due to the Old Gods’ war against the titans, as well as the extensive terraforming that followed the war’s conclusion, records of what races existed before even the Old Gods’ arrival have likely been lost forever.


Hadn’t read that before either way then the horde has the trolls so are we claiming that all races besides trolls/descended from trolls are non native?

Because if so that includes a lot of races basically everything besides the elves and trolls including most of the horde as well as the alliance.

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