Just give the alliance high elves already

And yet, from the Horde’s history, they’d be more likely to take in the now leaderless Man’ari than the Alliance would. The remnants of the Legion now find themselves without a leader and without a cause. It’s not implausible to think some might try to secure a new place for themselves now… especially if its with one of the two factions that defeated them.

Thing is, the Man’ari aren’t exactly leaderless; we decapitated the legion and took away their biggest advantage (eternal rebirth) but this mostly means that they’re likely now hundreds, possibly thousands of subfactions all of which are still very much demons.

And again: Orcs, Sindorei, Shaldorei, Forsaken, Tauren and maghar wouldn’t be interested in welcoming the Eredar into their mix.

Yeah, but it’s a recolored version of an alliance race they can pawn off on the horde (whether the horde wants them or not) as an excuse to get their blood high elves on alliance


I’m not so sure they’d “not be interested”. If a group of Man’ari looking to establish a safe haven for themselves with a force strong enough to defeat Sargeras came to the Horde, begged forgiveness, and offered their resources and technology, I’d say the Horde might be interested in availing themselves of that manpower and military might.

If not for the racial tensions between the Draenei and the Man’ari, I would say the Alliance would be equally as likely.

In any case I don’t think either of us can say for sure if the Horde would or wouldn’t entertain the notion. That’s really up to the devs to decide. I only said that the idea was plausible, which I believe it is.

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The issue is that the Man’ari wouldn’t do that owing to the fact that the Man’ari are demons; the more likely course of action is that after the most powerful faction asserts domminance they either steer clear because assaulting azeroth is simply too costly OR they come back with utterly overwhelming force; You have to remember that what we faced wasn’t the entirety of the legion but merely a portion of their forces with other wings striking at other worlds.

Beyond that, the horde isn’t interested in positioning itself military for the forseeable future as evidenced by the dissolution of the office of warchief and the simple fact that the alliance is about as beat to crap as the horde at this point.

I know others have already disagreed with me but the only “trade” I’d feel would make sense and accept would be if the Forsaken found away to revive some of themselves and defeat the curse of undeath, giving the Horde some sort of vaguely deathtouched humans (Make em pale? idk).

It’d be a swap where it’d make some sense in the existing lore (there were apocatharies researching it), and it’d be fun to see a revived Loraedonian contingent telling stormwind where they can shove it.

I don’t think eliminating the office of war chief also eliminates any interest in improving the Horde’s military might. If for no other reason than the protection of their people, the Horde will likely continue to hone its military, especially in light of the Alliance’s current position.

I would imagine that right now the remnants of the Legion have a variety of factions vying for power. Some may want to try and continue Sargeras’ plans, others might have designs of their own, and still others might wish to wash their hands of it all. That’s why I think it’s plausible for a group of them to be considered as an allied race. It doesn’t have to be all of them. It could be a “crack squad” who made off with one of the Legion’s ships.

I’m just more commenting on how often it seems I hear “Check it out! Here’s what the horde REALLY wants, and that would be a good trade for the elves!” from the people pushing for elves. And while I know there’s always some people who want things, I just haven’t really noticed a really big outcry for the things being suggested.


Wouldn’t Nathanos style Forsaken qualify as “death touched” humans?

Yeah, but he’s still dead and the manner on which he was raised isn’t exactly conductive to making a whole new race.

Shadowlands seems like an opportune time for some additional lore to make it more likely though no?

Oh definitely. And it’s always just passing off the rarely played races like mechagnomes or worgen, never anything that would make lore sense or actually make anyone want to play them.

I’m just talking in hypotheticals since the only real issue I have with HEs outside of the lore is the fact that implementing them would break the faction balance unless the Horde got something from the Alliance of somewhat equal value.


Which is why it would make sense to bulk up your own forces rather then turn to a former enemy for aid.

And again: the alliance isn’t any better off at this juncture, with their available military assets having been exhausted by the time of the 2nd siege of orgrimar and the nominal leader of the alliance being more interested in keeping the peace then pushing for further gains from the horde. As such, the only likely source of conflict at this juncture is Tyrande and gen doing something stupid, in which case they may very well find themselves squaring off against the horde and the alliance if their actions look like they’ll drag all of this into another global conflict that ultimately neither side can win.

Given what we’ve seen from relatively short term exposure to the fel on the psychology of the afflicted, it stands to reason that the Mannari who have been exposed to this for some 13,000 years are well and truly beyond any sort of redemption and would only enter into any sort of partnership with “lesser” races from a position of authority; they have afterall been the ruling class of the legion for thousands of years and simply wouldn’t tolerate the equality that permeates the horde.

I’m not sure any of us are in a position to speak on the “psychology” of those who draw power from the Fel. Only the devs could speak on that. I also wasn’t saying the Horde would seek out the Man’ari, but rather that it’s plausible that a group of them might approach the Horde.

Considering the disparate types of groups the Horde has accepted in the past, it’s not beyond reason that they might accept some Man’ari who prove useful and willing to make amends.

I suppose if you throw out everything that makes the Eredar the eredar you could get away with it.

Though at that point there really isn’t any point in using them in the first place.

Selling out your own people for power/security/survival doesn’t sound out of character for the Man’ari. What difference does it make if they throw their lot in with Sargeras or the Horde?

It would make it obvious to even the most staunch deniers that the Horde are the bad guys.

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“lets make the faction with the most minority-coded races the clearcut bad guys, and the european-coded imperialist faction the clear cut good guys” is not the way to go, chief.


How exactly is the Horde not imperialistic? O.o

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I never said they weren’t, but it’s not played up like a good or even morally neutral thing like it is with the Alliance.