Just give the alliance high elves already

Ouch. I may be basic race, but I look cool. Also yes high elves in the Alliance. please and thank you.

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People keep saying it’d break the faction boundaries, but I literally cannot tell the difference between my Blood Elf and Void Elf warriors outside the tip of the ear color if I put a helm on, and if you can tell that from a distance, you’ve got some sort of freakish super vision.

Nightborne at least have a different physique.

They look different because they lived in a bubble getting drunk on nightwell wine for thousands of years. This explains the difference in skin shades and hair colors, and the ears being flipped I guess?

The stance and model adjustments would be more personality based and lifestyle based.

Fine, but give the Horde something like Lordaeron Worgen, or Shadow Draenai.

Even better, stop with all the allied race junk for a while, and give us a new class to play. Tinker would be a great choice, btw.

That would be interesting. Giving the alliance the high elves they wanted and making up something out of nowhere for the horde. Seemed fine with some that that’s where we got void elves from so getting the same treatment would be fine I imagine.

No! This game needs more lumberjacks, not more tree hugging hippie elves :laughing:

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I’m going to guess that we’ll see something Shadowlands related but it won’t be until possibly mid way in or around the time people are starting to get some good rep. That or they wait till the end and let some storylines wrap up and or start to explain how or why they’d want to come to Azeroth. You won’t see worgen or draenei going Horde in any fashion so that seems like a stretch to me

As for a new class? It and allied races aren’t mutually exclusive.

nice name

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Finally an Alliance player who gets why we keep having to invade Ashenvale.


‘Sanctity’. Oh my! I had NO idea that, amidst so much of a mallable world, there was something so set in stone as our species. For a species we are.
This is a world of MAGICK; there is some of that strange art called…oh what was it now…ah yes…’‘science’'wriggles fingers on both hands as a ‘quotation mark’.
But even then said ‘science’ seems dependent on Magick, to a degree.
So…yes we did change. Yes, we are different. Yes…

We are the Sin’dorei. Blood Elves. Both you and me and every single one of us who bears this visage.

As for the High Elves; those that are left, let them ‘go home’. I shall take great schadenfrude at the sight of so many of those fence sitters finding that, instead of the heroes’ welcome, they’ll be just another race of squatters subject to Alliance whims.

So let them go.

Flips hair and hums a certain song from a certain movie about ‘letting go’.

,and Chen Stormstout should be the stake through the heart!
Flips hair and sips tea

Atleast Chen Stormscout didn’t become a Nomi.

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Any real lumberjack or forest manager knows you should cut down a certain percentage of overgrown forests to keep the forest as a whole healthier. The orcs know this and are just protecting Ashenvale. Forests that are overgrown are at worse risk for forest fires or having new growth choked out.

The last thing we need is an army of Nomi’s setting the world on fire.

I mean, Orcs are about Strength and Honor. Not “Grab your torches and pitchforks and turn the world into a Barbecue.”

Clearly you read the books , just to say you did so. Tolkien wrote not to the general public (whom he despised) but for people who truly enjoyed the genre of the ‘FAERY TALE’’ (yes that spelling is deliberate); for that is what his books are. ‘Fairy tales’, bedtime stories: all taken to the next level.
Fantasy magic does NOT have to be all '‘flash and bang’ to be viable. In fact, it is better and more believable when it is NOT all ‘fireballs and magic missiles’.

I could go on but this is a good start for you to think on.
Class dismissed.

Clearly you didn’t read the link, or the discussion that it was involved in. None of that was my words, it was the words of one Gary Gygax. Which I linked in a conversation of whether DnD is based on Tolkien’s works.

Next horde race:
…void humans.
I mean clearly that’s fine since so many praise how amazing void elves are and how lucky alliance are to have such a well-developped “race”.


I would say the ideal race to give to the Horde if it’s a case of swapping would be Man’ari Eredar. Basically red Draenei with green eyes. I can’t imagine the Draenei and Lightforged ever be willing to forgive the Man’ari (and thus that makes them unlikely to join the Alliance), but the Horde have a history of accepting those no one else will, especially if it offers a military advantage. It would also give the Horde access to space ships to counter the Vindicaar and balance out the military power between the factions.

You might as well be suggesting faceless ones given the relative hostility between the horde’s constituent membership and the legion’s membership.