Just give the alliance high elves already

Stormwind also did absolutely nothing to stop it despite the fact that they would have known what was going on in lordaeron so Varian was at least tacitly consenting to it.

Further, the nightborne existed prior to this in the novels as night elves and due to the nature of the shield they were effectively in a time capsule for 10k years.

So again: does lore matter or not?

It’s not just an rp thing. You underestimate how many people care about aesthetics even players in limit race change post prog to what they prefer.

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Yep, gonna take the opinion of someone massively biased towards the alliance on this point over my experience with the horde storyline. Totally owned me there.

We’re not the ones tantruming over a 13 year old decision.


/tilts head and inspects your approach

didnt you say that you agree, most high elves on alliance are half elves as they have been assimilating with humans? if so, they evolved even more than belfs did.


Don’t give blizz ideas. Or you want them to push the human potential on us even harder?

I have news for you. High elves in wow were supposed to be different from the regular, boring, elven archetype that you see in every other fantasy franchise, specially those high elves that honor their fallen.

If you want “elves behaving like elves” or rather, “elves behaving like they do everywhere else”, perhaps wow ain’t for you.


you aint seen tantrum yet. tantrum is where i get serious. haha

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Stormwind was decimated in WC1 the few remnants were further compromised in WC2 and Varian wasn’t even in the kingdom at the time that was when he was on his hunt.

Very few people read the popcorn novels the lore that matters is what is in game and they hadn’t been in game. You know the reason that blizzard has been on record as saying they need to focus on getting lore into game more via cinematics because people don’t read the outside stuff.

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wait wait waiiit. belves already do behave like traditional elves. they gave up the edgy druggie elf persona at end of tbc.

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The gap is based on certain high end content (but not arenas, those never show up when people cry about that because the fact that the Alliance is dominant on those leader boards doesn’t fit the narrative)

To fix the problem you have to fix the community as a whole feeling that there is a significant advantage in playing horde for that content. Races don’t help, even if they have really strong racials, since the alliance ARs have that pretty good. Playable races are a whole separate matter that is irrelevant to the participation issue.


Got news for you. That was done to make them fit the horde. There is a difference between doing questionable things and mind controlling your own citizens.


So the lore matters only when it supports whatever argument you are making at the moment.


The Alliance would really like lizard people. not snek people like the sethrak. we dont want sneks.

We want human/iguana hybrids. colors ranging from green to caucasian skin toned. human faces on iguana bodies, iguana heads on human bodies

please give us what we really want blizzard and ignore those who keep begging for a generic race that is already playable

and please make them thicc

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Just because blizz keeps messing things up, doesn’t mean they are the same as in every franchise. At the very least, they’re not siding with overhyped humans.

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Arenas you only need to convince 3 people to change faction and many top end arena players have characters on both factions.

Playable races are not irrelevant we have seen the gap increase since Vulp were released.

Congrats, you’ve reached enlightenment when it comes to this topic. That’s exactly how things work.


Oportune reminder I aknowledged the cultural differences in my post; nonethelessmy point still stands: same biological race, dude. And as I’ve been saying, this is no problem to make playable the Human long eared cheerleaders, ofc as long as those differences are kept and we Belf players don’t wake up to players Qqing and demanding our exclusive stuff (so to day, territory, lore and NPCs)

No lore only matters when the majority of players will actually know it. Otherwise no emotional attachment will have been formed based on it. That isn’t really hard to comprehend.

Have we? have we had any sort of reliable numbers since then? Or is this based on the really dodgy numbers the one site has now that at least one point was saying there were more blood elves than alliance characters total and that Moon Guard was MASSIVELY off balanced in favor of the horde?


Except you’ve shown you don’t as evidenced by how you ignore major events and occurences as it suits your interests.