Just give the alliance high elves already

And simply put outside of broad strokes people care more about the aesthetic appearance of a race than their history when they are a brand new one without emotional attachment. High elves have been present on the alliance side in multiple conflicts. Nightborne were something just added in legion. If Void Elves had been the Silver Covenant people would be disappointed in the aesthetic bs but they would sitll make more sense than traitor blood elves.


TIL Vereesa is a blood elf :flushed:

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Now I’m confused because your talking out of both sides of your mouth; does lore matter or not?

If lore matters then you have to concede that you’re full of crap with your nightborne tangent, and if it doesn’t then this entire discussion about WC2 is moot.

So which is it?

Sad for you, you are NOT the exclusive representative of the Helfer group (ergo why I said “you guys” as in the ones still suspiciously arguing about semantics… You personally may not want anything to do in regards to the Belf territory or the NPCs that compose the race, but other Helfers don’t share this sentiment).

That’s precisely my point: I don’t see an issue with cattering to the “ewww Horde cooties” group as long as your playable sect stays the F away from Belves, their lore, their territory and their NPCs.

Lore does matter for established races that people have an emotional connection to. Neither the nightborn or void elves have that so aesthetics matter more.

What I was saying is if the population that became void elves had been silver covenant instead there would probably be less anger since the alliance would have high elves not traitor blood elves. Even if aesthetically they weren’t the same as what people wanted.


Gah, just calm down and go get your hair done or whatever you mana addicts do!

I need a drink!
((and so do I! brb…)

Nobody wants to take your npcs or territory. The only discussion about blood elves has been that they didn’t make sense on the horde but were put there to fix a population gap that has now entirely reversed. This discussion was in regards to pointing out it would make sense to add high elves lore wise and because it might help the faction gap when in the past blizzard has even done things that don’t fit lore wise to help that gap.

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Easy; gatekeeping. There is and always has been ONE reason people don’t want playable high elves.

‘pretty elf MINE Alliance no have hurrrr.’ They can try to intellectualize the subject to death but it all boils down to being snowflakes. Apparently the Alliance is allowed to have Horde races but the Alliance is not allowed to have an established Alliance race.

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Except the lore of the nightborne was clearly established in Legion; they didn’t just appear on our allied races tab.

Further, the “established lore” is that the alliance threw the elves under the bus as evidenced by the events of WC3:TFT so while there are a handful that could be considered ex-pats they’d have little reason to take a stand with the alliance against their kin.

I’m very aware. It’s like a child who has take a toy that belonged to his brother and now doesn’t want mom to his brother a new one because it’s his now god damn it.


Ironic, since the entire arguement for the pro helf community can be boiled down to “pretty elf want hurrr”.


Garithos is not part of Stormwind. So no that didn’t happen Lord which is now primarily carried on by the forsaken threw the elves under the bus not Stormwind.

The nightborne had no lore prior to legion and the void elves had no lore at all prior to recruitment quests. Emotional attachments really weren’t formed by a significant portion of the playerbase whereas the silver covenant has been part of alliance storylines since wrath and there were even a few high elves in outland who expressed their disgust towards blood elves.

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That’s just incorrect, not everyone does, but there are plenty of people who have grand dreams of retaking silvermoon.

Yeah, that’s kind of ridiculous isn’t it? They fit in amazingly so and that adds to both the horde and general wow story in a good way.

And since there isn’t a significant numbers gap but a population gap, and as last I saw before the numbers got cut off, alliance outnumbered horde if you went 1-120, adding in an RP option is going to do nothing for the participation gap that is the base of the whole problem.

Not really. It can be boiled down want to play as race that has been a significant part of the alliance storyline since wrath and even further back if you go back to the RTS series as we have discussed.


That makes the antis look even more like whiny snowflakes lmao

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Nobody gives a crud about low level alt population there is a 60 to 40 gap at max level that is even more exaggerated in high end raiding with there being 13 total alliance guilds in the top 100 and 7 of those being oceanic.

Also the last US non oceanic guild in the top 100 is Club Camel which has now gone horde for shadowlands.

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Prove it. Last time we had close to reliable numbers it was something like 53/47.

And if you don’t care about low level numbers, then why are you trotting out the nonsense that high elves would help? It’s an RP thing, and if things haven’t changed, plenty of RPers just want the character look, and don’t necessarily care about getting to max if they’re just going to be hanging around a capital doing what they enjoy.

So… a quest that ends up with a high elf representative calling everyone present a children of quel’thalas and showing them united… is “Alliance storyline” now?

Man, I wish I could ignore things this easily.


They really don’t fit at all. They made them do some evil crap to justify them like the angel torture and mind control of citizens but aethetically they do not fit the idea of the horde which was misfits and noble savages. Not aristocrats ordering the deaths of addicts from their ivory towers. Of the races added honestly only the HMT Maghar Goblins and strangely enough Vulp fit the horde as originally envisioned

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I feel like with that standard Anduin is a significant part of the Horde story since pandas