Just give the alliance high elves already

i know. haha. its like you’re surprised i agree with ya on anything :innocent:

So we’re all supposed to be completely racis? All NPCs have to one-dimensional?
Even Blizzard is beginning to see that this race-based faction war is beginning to fail.
NOW for my blatant plug for a third faction, if we must have factions. True Neutral, Merc mode, the Panderan option expanded to other races: in short, CHOICE.
Blizzard has been all over about ‘player agency’ lately; here’e a good way to prove it!.

(( ok the PAHEs can chose too; that way EVERYONE gets the real deal! ))

Lore wise, the logical explanation for sindorei demon hunters is that Illidin couldn’t afford to rely solely on the night elves for recruitment because it would halve his potential pool of recruits (never mind that outland didn’t exactly have a thriving population of nelves to begin with) and also deprive him of a tool for influencing the horde. Further, it’s likely that he was already training blood elves before the schism occured.

From a game play balance standpoint It’s because you can’t introduce a class to one side and not the other without immediately causing complaints of bias (see every discussion about shamans and paladins from vanilla wow).

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sometimes the hand of fate must be forced. - illidan after summoning the naga to help the blood elves, right? he clearly likes belves

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Illidin likes anyone who can further his own goals.

Oh, I’m aware Velves were the compromise; but you have to take into account we’re dealing here with people with more than a decade of stubbornness (I mean some looove to pretend WC3:TFT nor Tides of Darkness never happened… Their historical record broke at the end of WC2 in regards to the residents of Quel’thalas).

I’m frankly tired of having to deal with the worst of the Helfer crowd (yup, the ones that even dream with conquering Quel’thalas and watching their -frankly awful and badly written “True” TM- High elf NPCs humiliate Belf characters for the lols and pure childish salt).

Playable errr… “High elves” on Alliance implemented with clear and concise boundaries that prevent the negative impact on the Belf race is a small price to pay if we prevent the worst case scenario (and that scenario is a BfA-esque one A.K.A devs cattering to tge people wanting to mess up with Belf players for the lols)


The delusional gatekeeping is real :clown_face:


No less delusional than you guys wanting to pretend Belves aren’t High elves themselves. Theirs was basically just a name change and an evolution in regards to culture (yup, let’s not assume the word “evolution” exists only in regards to genetics, sad for some helfers it has use in regards to character and narrative development too), but they’re still the same people that lived and protected Quel’thalas since WC2.

God, how much I detest this semantic BS argument. Both groups are High elves, you guys just want the human/Alliance cheerleaders instead of the other group, period.


If blood elves were high elves they’d be called high elves and not blood elves. There really isn’t a simpler way to explain that. Do high elves exist? Yes. Do blood elves exist? Yes.

Case closed.


Do humans stop being humans irl because they decide to name-change their culture to honor the ones tha passed away in tragedy? No? Awesome, glad we understand each other.

You know why it bothers me so much when you people start playing the semantics BS game? Cause it makes me worried and afraid that after finally getting your playable sect, some of you will start another decade of QQ demanding "Quel’thalas for the High elves cause they are the original owners -when mind you, the sect of elves you want playable are precisely the people that happily ignored the zombie apocalypse and outright ignored the call of Anasterian about going back to Quel’thalas after the race left the Alliance at the end of the Second War- and muh wood elf playable experience, etc.)

If you want to play Alliance affiliated High elves, well… Good for you. But this doesn’t mean the Horde affiliated High elves that decided to collectively honor their lost brethren with a new name aren’t the just owners of the territory they continue to die for in the name of protection.


I have been to both I am talking about the aesthetic of the race themselves not their architecture.


Yes it’s extremely funnny to attack someone’s intellect in an adhominem fashion rather than engage with the argument. Weird how antis say that even just telling people to ignore a troll is harassment but attacking others intellect that’s fair game. Guess not the same rules for thee as for me applies here as well.


The territory in question was NEVER an issue and never will be, as far as us PAHE fanatics are concerned.
I can truly say that we don’t want ANYTHING of what belfs have become OR that diseased piece of land you so happily love to share with the rest of the Horde, including the forsaken.

TL:DR We don’t want your cooties.


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Outside of classes that can’t be blood elf even in 18s and 19s the majority of players I run into are blood elves. It’s aesthetically pleasing and the racial is extremely good in M+

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Or we can maintain the status quo and simply not have helves as a playable race.

I didn’t realize bm hunter could only blood elf weird

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And I’m talking about the ideology of the race; their history, goals and values.

And simply put the nelves are pretty well and truly divorced from the nightborne.

Question why is it always the alliance who has to compromise not the horde?


Unique biology has never been a requirement for playable races (but your point in invalid anyways because 1. this is a fantasy universe and 2. the Alliance was already given blood elves that no one wanted.) Silvermoon’s schism was cultural (though later led to a splash of fel-corruption in one group.) It was and still is 95% about differences of politics and philosophy which you cannot pretend don’t mean anything without invalidating the entire reason blood elves are blood elves at all.

Blood elves and high elves exist. This is not an opinion. It is a fact. ‘Close enough’ is not ‘the same’.


No, but being the same race is in fact ‘the same’