Just give the alliance high elves already

Grabs little sis by the ear and marches her off to her room!
Comes back
Sorry about that; you know how troublesome Moon Guard personas can be.
Where were we?
Reads posts; this will take a minute

Im calling the police.

And I’d disagree, since while I see a lot of Belves, I also see orcs, tauren, darkspear trolls, pandarens and every other race in decent enough numbers, thus the point about it being a broad coalition is accurate.

I’m calling the Cyber Police because you’re gonna call the police.

The FBI agent monitoring me already has, checkmate.

Why is this thread still going?

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GGWP. I lost my queen.

that is good to hear. i thought with numbers like 40% of the horde being comprised of blood elves after ion told helfers to roll horde for high elves, i was worried the game was just gonna be humans vs. elves.


Agree, and with both of you.
No really! I agree…on those points.
Especially since all you have to do is insert ‘High Elf’ and ‘Alliance’ and ‘rip out Horde spines’ in there, and you have the same argument for Alliance High Elves!
Especially the ripping part!

Links please.

no they didnt. giving the hordes most popular race to the alliance because they have a few NPCs would annihilate faction identity however. the faction concept would be a complete joke in that moment. and would retcon the last 15 years of the high elf story and them becoming blood elves just so you can represent a couple mages as the ‘true’ high elves of WoW by appearing to be a more traditional, nobler, human friendly group. its not happening

void elves dont do this. thats why you got them instead of a horde race. they are your alliance high elves now

I mean, I think everyone has a belf and you routinely stumble across them in pugs, but I still see zandalari, vulpera, maghar, goblins, orcs and the other races often enough.

Really, race balance seems to be much more of an issue on alliance side since races that have good racials and aesthetics (imho) are passed over because they don’t look like calvin klein underwear models.

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i’d roll a non model type character if it was cool and had the ability to still be feminine. i mean i am a female who identifies as female and is interested in all that frilly lacy female stuff. but, i would roll an ethereal in a heartbeat if they made the female version of them, feminine enough. no i dont mean lace bandages. haha. i just mean ya know, move/run/animate/shape like a female.


Scroll through this thread alone, and what do you see, posting for Horde?
And you still claim numbers but with no proof.
Not that it really matters: just ask Chen Stormstout.
Skäl for the first Panderan AND his beer keg!

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I can’t link you to my eye balls, but I’m telling you that when I wander around the great seal or orgrimars trade district I see a lot of different races.

And given that Thrall is a “horde server” I generally take this as a sample of how it is on other servers.

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blood elf is also the only option for a demon hunter. boosting their numbers with people who might not have picked the race otherwise


And I am on THREE servers; all RP. Two of them are among the most populated in the game, being Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord.
And you’ll NEVER guess what those servers’ Horde population looks like!


this is true. and a former alliance player who wanted a demon hunter would only have blood elves as an option on horde, as they only have night elves on alliance.

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Realmpop also had the Horde much more evenly distributed with Forsaken, orcs and trolls having a relatively even spread and tauren still being quite popular.

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beautiful belfs and cute foxes? hehe