Just give the alliance high elves already

No one is asking you to join the horde.

ion’s new name is “no one” hehe
he said, if you want tall, magestic, fair skinned, elves, the horde is waiting for you (paraphrased)

and so we joined the horde. haha. and now blood elves outnumber every race in the game. coulda just let alliance have high elves and the game woulda been a little more balanced


LOL yah no one EVER said ‘the Horde is waiting for you’.
I like you you’re funny.


I’m not sure what point your trying to make here.

oh yeah. think about this:

if giving the alliance high elves will hurt the game because it hurts faction identity, imagine the damage to faction identity of the horde because they are now a bunch of high elves. none of the horde players saying it would hurt the horde to give alliance high elves, have even noticed there are so many elves on their faction now, it doesnt even look like the horde.


…and soon to be overrun by cutesy little foxes.
reskinned Nelfs.
and now, foxes.

some ‘Horde’.

edit let us not forget also, rolypoly pandas.


and they dont even stop to consider the reason it is looking more like the alliance than the horde is because the devs dont want to give the alliance, faction identity races. they’re giving the horde, alliance faction identity things haha. and the more alliance players who join the horde, the more the horde gonna look like the alliance.

shoulda thought passed the end of the faction war scenario.


I’m sorry the Horde fits a wider range of aesthetics than you feel comfortable with I guess?


no it doesnt. nearly half of the entire population of the horde, are high elves.


And? The Horde has always been a mish-mash of different cultures and peoples.

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but its not. its a bunch of elves, half of which shoulda been on the alliance.


You have faction identity races.

That you don’t like them is a moot point.

You are forgiven.
For years the Horde ‘aesthetic’ was on the order of Gnarly, Ugly and Totally BAD!
Very metal.
Now? Cutesy. What’s next; kittycats?

CAREFUL! I can hear the HighElf crowd starting to foam at the mouth!

yes and you have half of our alliance races. haha. in fact, the alliance has over run the horde.

For years the only races that existed in WoW were Demons, ogres, humans and orcs so what’s your point again?

Those races don’t belong to you.

are they aesthetically horde?

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Given that the horde is a broad coalition of peoples that banded together for mutual defense after suffering at the hands of external forces I’d say yes, particularly since there isn’t an imperical definition of what is or is not “aesthetically horde.”

As long as they rip out Alliance spines they’re aesthetically Horde.

i agree that they fit in, philosophically, but for faction identity, they’re a wash. they absolutely annihilated faction identity, which is my point in this particular discussion arc.

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