Just give the alliance high elves already

Are we really just ignoring the part where I literally proved that Nightborne are definitively a new race?

No of course not, the concept of stealth rocks confuses them and makes them hungry.


and i’m pretty sure the druids of the flame were too, i mean, they had red skin for lights sake


Isn’t that just a sunburn?

If you try to make a point about something by comparison, and if you do so by comparing it with the wrong thing, then your reasoning uses the fallacy of faulty comparison or the fallacy of questionable analogy

It is a strategy very used by the high elf fanbase

Zandalari trolls are the prime trolls, completely different from Darkspear trolls that we have playable, Darkspear trolls however, are the same as the Gurubashi trolls, because they both are jungle trolls

Jungle trolls are different than the Zandalari.

Highmountains taurens are clearly different than normal taurens, by appearance and about 10 thousand years of isolation with their cousins, they were changed by the bless of cenarius.

Same with the other races you falsely trying to put as the same.

By your logic, void elves are high elves and they are playable in the alliance already, go with then…oh wait they are not the same? just like every other allied race is not a exact same copy of another race? how chocking

for you of course it will not, but again, to the game it means

no dear, no matter how you spit their “loyalty” and try to make those claims they are not true

Blood elves are biologically high elves, they have the high elf kingdom, culture and theme, and are already playable, Listen to what Ion said, apparently his words now are Law, just don’t cherry-pick what stance of him you will accept or deny

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Is magic “biology”?

Yes, in Warcraft magic can change biology. Is that really news to you?

So, if different elves use different sources of magic, they are no longer the same biological race of elves, yes?

I didn’t say that. Over a long period they can become a different race, such as with the high elves and Nightborne.

Just “using” is not enough, i know where you are going with the cyclic argument trying to paint blood elves and high elves as different, but the race(both groups) use the same font of magic, the sunwell restored.


Eh. My opinion is that it is no longer high elf culture, but blood elf culture.

They had not been seperated enough to have a difference in biology, but high elves would have has their own culture, being integrated into human society and all.

Yeah but it would have to take thousands of years.

If high elves are adopting human culture, that really suggests they’re the ones abandoning high elf culture, not that blood elves aren’t of high elven culture. Very little of their culture has changed since the fall of Quel’thalas.


That’s the rub. With fel and the void, it was a very, very short time. The golden eyes popped up pretty quickly, too. Everything we see ingame about magical “corruption” is virtually instantaneous. Earth biology tells us one thing, but, if magic is biology on Azeroth, what we see ingame supercedes that, making the change immediate and not a matter of time.

nothing have changed except the fact of they having another name and moving a bit more towards the light because of the sunwell.

they still have their farstriders, their magisteres, everything resembling their old times

they don’t yet, that is one of the problems we already debated to death, they have changed nothing yet, cause they are a dying and pointless group, the main point is how people want the “old” high elf thing, not a “new”.

If they are integrating into human society, half-elves is the way to go in a long run, that will have everything different, but still have the “high elf look” that people want only

But people are too stubborn and would consider that a “defeat”

It doesn’t necessarily have to be losing their old culture but adapting it with a new one. Their old culture almost completely revolves around a font of power and the benefits that came with that.

High elves could have less of those benefits and integration with others, dwarven shamanism for instance, their night elf brethren Druidism.


I mean, majority of the race had changed their name to blood elf. Makes sense that the high elves are essentially abandoning everything.

They are not a different type of elves though.

High elf have blue eyes due to arcane magic. Blood elf have green due to fel. The new golden eyes was changed from green is due to holy magic in the sunwell. They could be blue as well logically, as the sunwell is both arcane and holy.

That doesn’t mean they have change biologically.

A high elf, consuming/being near fel magic, would have their eyes turned green too. Does that mean, they automatically turn to blood elf and become loyal to the horde?

Therefore, as i have mentioned before, and i will mention again, high elf is a splintered faction of blood elves. They are still the same race.

Void elves on the other hand, are void infused. Therefore, still blood elves in my opinion. It works fast on almost every creature. Look at the raptors being infused by void by the void elfs during the alliance invasion of zandalar.

Yes. I agree with this 100%. Half elf is the best way to end this argument.

Oh god you haven’t fallen for the ‘blood elves consumed fel’ fanfic too have you?

Im really a little iffy on that one to be honest.

I know being near them got caused the green eyes, but mana tap and arcane torrent man. They were literally draining mana from living things.

Kael and his blood elves must have learned to do it somewhere, and i suspect it to be in outland. And outland was filled with demons.

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Word of god is that Kael kept his fannying around with fel from his friends.

Where this from

More to steal from you and copy paste to notepad

Ask Creative Development round 3.