Just give the alliance high elves already

You better give us something we can use panda.

It is getting real difficult to control my big mean green friend here.

She was innocent you animal. You know what you do with a rabid animal? You put it down. That’s what gonna happen if you don’t talk. WHO RUNS THE DOCKS? IS IT MCCARREN IN VICE?

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See, I knew you were an rper all along.

Mate you give me the ability to RP a loose cannon detective in a pulp 70’s cop show and I won’t even be ashamed.

Yes we do!


The only significant difference besides skin color for voids is size on the char select for nightborne. Outside of nightborne males those do have some wtf level faces but nobody plays male night elfs either so it’s w/e

It’s always amusing when players who done nothing of relevance as of late try to say someone who actively plays ebayed. It’s very clear I’m talking about the physical appearance the only ones arguing in bad faith are those who trying to claim emo elves are closer in appearance to their counterpart than horde night elves.

Oh yeah those are definitely equivalent oh wait no they aren’t gotta love the lies.

You’re flat out wrong


I think before we even get into “are night elves and nightborne different races” we need to agree on what definition of race we’re using. In fantasy, “race” means “different species” colloquially, which doesn’t really fly in this case. The species is “elf”. Otherwise “race” means a general tendency for different skin pigmentation and other superficial genetic expressions. In that case one could arguably state nightborne and night elves are different “races”; the real issue I see with that, though, is mostly that any night elf today who was still alive in the war of the ancients was born a nightborne.

This entire argument is also ignoring that the Shen’dralar use night elf models, not nightborne, but they happen to be highborne as well.

All that leads me to believe the nightborne simply look different for -gameplay- and not -lore- reasons. They have alterations specifically so people can argue against copy pasta models and so that it looks like the developers did some work instead of just giving Horde night elves (I wish they’d put the same effort into lightforged…). But, they are not a different race by any non-gameplay definition of the term.

Lore-wise they are explicitly stated to be a unique species by a dev and as a separate race from night elves in Chronicles.


I could buy that if the intro cinematic to Suramar didn’t explicitly say that the nightwell changed them. And when she says that, the camera pans up and what had been a night elf model is shown with nightborne features like the changed ears. So that seems pretty clear that it is a change in lore.


I’d like to see this: like a fish person but not with fish body or facial features, and not anything like the nazjatar people. They are all shades of blue, no stupid eyes everywhere, just one, two, or three please. Finally, they’d have like a constant facial expression of either “angry receptionist” or “bored stepmom at the mall.” If you’re picturing it, cool, right? I need these please! Higher priority for me than high elves.

The guy from Shape of Water?

Thing is, we don’t really know how the night- or sunwell work. Is proximity an issue? Is it like some form of mystical binding where the change perpetuates across worlds? Is it just a food source and would consuming different food sources change this (void elves sort of suggest this is the case…)? The more I think about it, the more difficulty I am having considering any elf anything more than “elf + magical exposure”, which isn’t really enough for me to determine a race or not. Magical exposure can and does change.

I, too, consider Murlocs of the highest priority.

i think you got that backwards.

You are getting it the best you can with the horrendous description I gave. I’d like maybe one eye on them, stronger arms but slimmer torso, maybe more legs. You have a very good picture of what I am imagining.

Well, it’s enough for Blizzard to determine a race.

Chronicle vol. 1, page 104, second line.


I mean the most popular fish people are Naga.

I’d like those, but I support things people like :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh you know what? It might be cool if they could change their legs to fins when they get into the water! It wouldn’t be like mermaids, but kind of similar. I hope that this is cool.

I’m not entirely sure how that relates to your original point about the change not being a lore thing.

But the nightborne at least had non-magic well reasons for changing. They did seal themselves off from the world so thoroughly that outside light did not make it in, that’s a massive environmental change that would also work to change them from what they were.