Just give the alliance high elves already

How about Blizz just makes all the blood elves red or green and we can call it even. Then NOBODY has the vanilla ice-cream. We would get blueberry sherbet and some weird purple tootie fruity stuff and the horde could have black raspberry sherbet and some weird red or green tootie fruity stuff. Just sayin, that is how a dad would fix it.


Now there is a serious suggestion we should all listen to.

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He says, while lying.


And with that i am ignoring all your future posts.

First, you claim nightborne is a carbon copy, then claims the only difference is the ears.

After being proven wrong again, you move the goal post further by saying we “can’t tell the difference with armor on”.

Can you really tell the difference between void elf and blood elved with armor and helmet? No. Don’t bother replying as i am no lknger interested in any of your opinion anymore.


That’s fine man. After all, it is just my own point of view with the Nightborne and Void Elves being equally altered from there own parent models to be a little different, whether it is a reskin or a skeleton revamp.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need a coffee, and some popcorn for that one thread.

and if you be a good goblin, I’ll order you some peanuts and coke.

My dad would fix it with years of neglect. :sunglasses:

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I dont’ know why they feel the need to have more than one topic going anyways. More of them seem to want to make sure this one keeps going as well.

Aye. They’re much thinner overall, gangly fits well.

Lol now whose posting bs post in game not character selection. Also nope still more different even with you trying to match skin colors on one and do opposite on other

I wasn’t proven wrong at all lol. In game they look the same without helmets. If you add helmets in then might as well give high elves to the alliance as well as giving night elves to the horde since without skin showing there is no discernible difference between either.

Great point.

Its a well known fact that models drastically change once in game. And that the character selection screen doesn’t use the same models in game.

You can’t be serious.


In terms of zoom they absolutely do. As you well know which is why you did it that way instead of side by side in game.

What does this even mean.

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The zoom at character select is different per race. Should I post how much bigger vulp look in character select compared to in game?

They’re mostly human with some elven blood. Some bretons have more than others and have a few elven features like pointed ears.

You didn’t know? Heh.

Nightborne would totally change models to look exactly like night elves when you login.

Void elves will change their models to add even more void tentacles (this model would be neat tbh) and look nothing like blood elves when you login.

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You mean like how those split things you keep posting are obviously cutting bits out to make them line up as close as possible? And not really doing that well even with that.

Or how laughable obvious the attempt is with the one in a dress where the only bits of the model showing are the head and arms so that it’s harder to make out the shape of the model?


They’re better at video conferencing.


The zoom does not change the model, so please post a picture of a zoomed in vulpera and make it look like a night elf or blood elf.


Thing is though, even if the nightborne were a perfect 1:1 copy physically, I’d still argue that they’re completely different due to the fact that they are as culturally removed from the night elves as you can get.