Just give the alliance high elves already

The Problem is actually that the Void Elves just have no lore or backstory or any relevance to the story on Argus to them. They were just “made up on the spot”.

And the other problem is people think that we need a compromise to the High Elves that we already have here within the Alliance, when in fact, we don’t want a compromise, we would like what we already have. Something that Ion and some people (not all), seem to ignore.


Aside from never getting drawn in to the civil war in my playthrough, I had to google to realize that I had beaten the game because the end really felt like a middle of the game boss who you defeat to find out who the REAL boss is.

Wow, that highlights how that’s a different model with how sloppily it was put together to try and make it look like a single model. The seam is really obvious and you can see the differences because of that.

And again


lol yeah they look super duper different with armor on stop being dishonest it’s the thing I hate most about antis how much they lie.


I think a large part of the problem with FO76 is that the engine it uses is simply archaic; like I’ve traced it back and it’s roots are in netimerse which was developed in 1997, with there much vaunted “mod support” ultimately leading the dev team to be increasingly lazy with their coding.

And that would actually be ok; not every game needs bleeding edge graphics or 1:1 physics to be worthy of praise (see undertale for examples of this), but if you’re going to let other parts of your core slip then other parts need to be much stronger and the natural choice for this would have been writing (VTM:Bloodlines is still praised by people who played it for how well it was written despite being a mess of bugs and the first game released on the source engine).

But even here bethesda falls flat; the last time I was actually invested in the writing for one of their games was FO3 since the core story line presented such an interesting mystery.

Simply put, I’m not plunking down money for this:

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You might as well be arguing a 3 masted schooner is the same as nuclear submarine because they both transport people through the ocean.

I am not really a gum person. I dunno. So probably not.

Bingo. I am all about texture. Gum is weird.

I need a new reason to yell at my monitor because a soldier missed a friggin 89% chance shot standing out in the open, causing a squadmate to die next round as the enemy takes a 15% shot chance, shooting across the map, through 38 different pieces of cover.

I say this knowing full well I will play any future X-Com games knowing how much I will vent. I will write it off as angry therapy.

Oh. I thought I could play as a night elf. Not as a clearly different model night borne.

VE is a ton closer to BE.



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Horde side I keep trying to attack the nightborne on my team in bgs… They look close enough.

They’re just skinnier and have a modified stance…

For some reason they’re leaning as far back as they can.

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…I wasn’t going to go there, but after that close-up on the crotch, I gotta wonder exactly how much you love nuts :rofl:

Xcom2 has an “actual hit chance” mod somewhere on the workshop, btw. The 'nilla display number isn’t quite accurate iirc.

Well, I am not saying one is closer to the other than the other. I am saying they’re both “equally” close to there counterparts.

I never used the workshop aspect of xcom2 much. TBH I probably rarely touch the workshop in general for steam games.

I just know I spent 1/2 my time yelling like this at the monitor.

I guess I disagree they are equally close.

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Well, I tried your Cola and Peanuts. Never again.

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That was me before I got the mod. Lol

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I…rarely have that problem. But I have an unhealthy amount of hours clocked in that game. Heck, I play it more than WoW. Generally, missed shots won’t be much of an issue, unless it’s against a sectopod or something of similar threat level, though. Provided you are always in cover (or under smoke) and moving about to flank, of course.

They aren’t equally close and it’s willfully dishonest to claim they are.

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You are correct. Void Elves are much closer to Blood Elves than Nightborne are to Night Elves.


No they aren’t rofl

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


No he’s right. Blood elf to void elf there is no model change beyond color.

Night elf to nightborne there is both minor model modification in stance and skinnyness. As well as color.

They’re still close enough to confuse me… But that’s me.

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I fixed one for you.

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Shaldorei strike me as being more gangly then Night elves as well.