Just give the alliance high elves already

Telling someone to ignore someone for certain reasons is not harrasment. If someone is baiting, or trolling for instance, best advice is to ignore.


Well, if Fallflat 76 is any indication, Bethesda’s next single player game is gonna flop bigtime.

From recent posts I have come to the conclusion that WoW is way behind in their elf game and they need to add more pronto.

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As long as it isn’t from EA. I feel EA is running out of ideas imo

Wasn’t 76 was just a cashgrab to reap in more money by reusing assets and code rather than a fully funded AAA game?

It’d be like if I thought Xcom 3 was going to suck because Chimera squad wasn’t great as a 10 dollar game. (hypothetically anyway, I loved CS)

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No they aren’t rofl

As a nightborne and you know it

Honestly, I think both are equally close to there counter parts, IE a Void Elf to Blood Elf as Nightborne to Night Elf imo.

The thing I noticed most about Skyrim is that it’s full of nothing.

Which sounds like an oxymoron since those two things are opposed concepts, but the thing is that despite having hundreds of quests, dungeons, unique NPCs, random encounters, towns, items and abilities… so much of it just feels hollow and empty.

Like take the Civil war; we have loyalists and rebels fighting in the ancestral home of humanity over the exact nature of the first emperor’s divinity. This should be huge, with players having to make hard choices and being routinely made to deal with this.

Instead it’s an almost completely optional side story that boils down to attacking a bunch of forts and towns you’ve already fought through dozens of times.

Or how Anduin is supposed to be a huge deal but ultimately is just another dragon when you get down to it.

Or how the validity of basically any other style of play goes out the window when you realize how bow+stealth breaks the game so completely and utterly.

I don’t really think the comparison holds. The Xcom devs are pretty in touch with their community and love giving them what they want alongside introducing interesting new mechanics. They also do things for free that Bethesda never would. As it is, 76 was beyond the pale for an allegedly professional release, so, that something THAT BAD passed quality control is pretty telling, imo.

I LOL’d. “Meh Elves”. “Meh’Dorei”. Hilarious :slight_smile:

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Nightborne are not Nightelves no matter how much you try and convince yourself to the contrary.


Difference is the massive colorshift vs upturned ears

so there is a difference. gg


I remember reading an article about how dynamic the war system was and how you could do different things to help your side on your own initiative and such… and uh, like you said, it was pretty boring and rote once you did it once.

So we can have high elves with downturned ears and you will be happy cool :slight_smile:


h ttps://i.imgur.com/JrQywd5.jpg

Yeah they are

That is why I mentioned “equally”. I know they were added as counter parts to the other Elven races of the opposing factions, I.E Void Elves of Alliance to Blood Elves of Horde and Nightbourne of Horde to Night Elves of Alliance.

Not much. You put both in full armor and both look like the same to the Core Races.

So all high elves need is a difference? Grand.


The issue is we got blueberry sherbet instead of vanilla ice cream they got chocolate cake with sprinkles instead of chocolate cake.

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