Just give the alliance high elves already

You got one of our core races near unchanged we got a blueberry version of blood elves they weren’t even high elves they were traitor blood elves.

Yeah, but it’s not just not Ikky. It’s Ikky as the same level, with the same name, the same two team mates with the same name and the same entire pet collection.

Hrm, alright, bigger sample size might work. Having checked it, it does show the same pet lines. I think it’s not quite reliable as time progresses (esp. during pet buff events), but if you’re actually going to go through the trouble, I suppose you’re going to do a fresh comparison each time. Thanks for the info!

Horde has dark elves and tolkienesque elves. Aliiance has two dark elves. If Alliance got tolkienesque elves via high elves this wouldn’t even be a topic.

We don’t want high elves


But I’m lazy, and mounts is an extra click once you’ve gone to the collection tab.

I’ve been pretty bored and suspicious and have checked a decent number of posters. While yeah, Ikky is popular, I don’t see a hug amount of cookie cutter teams, and as I’ve said, there’s still the general pet collection right below that, and there’s a lot of variety there

People who still think night elves are dark elves are weird.


And the horde didn’t have to compromise and got night elves with slightly changed ears because why?

cough since this was posted earlier



night elves are dark elves hehe

They literally are dark elves in terms of aesthetics lol

They’re wood elves man, come on they even got into trouble because they lived in a giant Smurf-esque tree.


Their proportions and color scheme fall in line with dark elves seriously Kawhi is jealous of those monster hands they are so damn big.

also in the making of world of warcraft video, the devs even say night elves are dark elves but they’ve added a twist by making them wood elves too. they’re like drizzt, the famous dark elf who decided to go live on the surface and is accompianed by his pet panther.

Yeah, but that’s only skin tone. Once you take their clothes and general aesthetic into account they’re pretty clearly wood elves. The giant handed Amazon very distinctly falls into line with wood elves.


Are we doing the thing again where people pretend that if something is even a part of the inspiration for an aspect of a game, that that aspect is therefore completely the same as the inspiration?

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I thought you said smash ponies initially.

I’m not tired, I swear.

How exactly am I “harassing” her? I don’t even reply to her. Warning others not to fall for her bait is not harassment. She jumps to different alts once people start realizing who she is. It’s dishonest and deceptive.


All you’ve done in this thread the last day or two is troll that poster without any substance. It’s not needed or wanted, and a really obnoxious form of trolling.


I haven’t trolled her at all. I haven’t replied to her at all. You know full well what she’s doing and yet you call me a troll. Warning others who aren’t aware of who they are really dealing with is not trolling.