Just give the alliance high elves already

In the original post I asked about yes. But Alliance has had numerous of their stereotypes broken as well. And your post was only about how it was broken for Horde, although I do understand that it was responding to Fyre.

/raises eyebrow
(some levity) and what precisely is funny about how adorable gnomes are? i’ll have you know i singlehandedly beat a horde team in wsg, 3 times in a row on my lil gnome mage in tbc. i don’t think they were expecting that, but i’m real sure it wasn’t very funny. hehe

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I like them because their culture feels more Alliance to me (the Devoted) and can bring the Loa concept to the Alliance.

Recognizing of course that they’re poised to go horde though.

I wonder if the Tidesages Tidemother isn’t a loa kraken though…

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This is an interesting thought.

Okay this is fair. At least you didn’t state it was more Alliance as a fact, because I do personally disagree. I do get where you’re coming from though. But this thread isn’t the sethrak thread so let’s not hijack it.

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I think I have covered everything for my point.

Indeed, hence why I asked no questions afterward, or attack one of your points.

Not joking, it would be so cute to play as a hooman, an owl-human hybrid. Druids touch on this, but we should really just make it a playable race, it rocks.

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listen to the words the guy is chanting in this video haha.

i think the sethrak skeleton and animations are a combo of worgen and tauren female


ethereals. gotta be some way to make playable ethereals.

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There isn’t at the moment.

The only arguement I have about ethereals is for Horde, and that’s that Alliance has 3 “cosmic” races (Draenei, LF Draenei if you consider them seperate enough, and void elves). Horde have none and with ethereals could contribute to the cosmic things WoW has going on now. That’s an arguement as to why Horde should get them, not a reason how they could become playable or why.

If you say Locus Walker for Alliance, for one, I think Locus Walker just trains new void elves and has no allegiance to the Alliance, but we’ve seen an ethereal merchant saying he doesn’t want to be associated with Locus Walker, or something along those lines. He’s in the Vindicaar on Argus, the catch up gear vendor. Plus, Locus Walker was imprisoned, I believe on his homeworld, so he wouldn’t work as a reason for them to join Alliance. No real allegiance and ethereals don’t seem to like him. Plus he’s an outlaw if I was correct about his imprisonment being on his homeworld (it might’ve been the Legion).

Tl;Dr, ethereals have no reason to join either faction at the moment, but there’s some logic behind Horde getting them. Tbh, I’d rather ethereals always stay neutral and Horde get something else.

I’ve mentioned jinyu/ankoan several times now, whenever I bring them up to Alliance generally they want them as well, plus they’re already in the Alliance. They’d be the first non-mammalian race playable as well.

i think the ankoan are cool looking. not a fan of the jinyu. this is the problem with fish people – i would like a super feminine female for once. i know this is a wargame and that means tough, powerful, etc. but the ladies contribute also. feminine doesnt mean incompetent. hehe

Define super feminine.

I don’t like jinyu or ankoan aesthetically or storywise. I find them boring.

runs like a female. moves like a female.
slender, graceful, curvy but not obnoxiously so, beautiful, elegant, etc. feminine laugh. feminine hairstyles. there are examples, scattered through out all the females in the game. for example:

  • female tauren have a sweet disposition . thats a feminine quality.

  • female draenei are bright and cheerful. thats a feminine quality.

  • female humans have demure animations. thats a feminine quality.

  • female blood elves have an elegant, feminine run and nice casting animations. they have a graceful physique

  • female nightborne also have a feminine run and beautiful hairstyles.

  • female night elves have a pleasant voice, and when injured, they dont growl like a blood elf does or grunt, or make weird sounds. i can do without the bunny bounce though hehe

So tradionally ultra-feminine.

Have you heard female nightborne? When they get punched by a bandit they sound like their voice actor just broke her leg in the most painful way possible.

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Psst… that’s another of “you know who’s” alts. Don’t take the bait!


Are you kidding me?

/rolls eyes

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yikes. i asked my daughter what made her choose a draenei female for her character and she said, they have the best death animation. she described it as “oh f this.” they drop their weapon first, then fall to their knees, while clutching their neck. its really dramatic. haha. i dont think overly dramatic death is that attractive, but she loved it. lol

Sadly not kidding. If you want a list of known alts for that particular poster I can send it to ya through in game mail. I’d get in trouble for posting it here.

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You should get her to pick male orc. We big sexy and know how to smash punies, and we have the best shoulderpads in WoW.