Just give the alliance high elves already

we got a pale imitation of NB. a shallow soul-less husk of the NB

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You mean you are not interested in undead night elves and undead blood elves so that they could implement the dark ranger class?


Edit: on hindsight, dark rangers would probably work like dk.

See NB were asked for by Horde, vulpera too, but when did we ask for pandaren? And if it’s some Horde got a unique flavor thing, Alliance got them too.

Why did you bring up pandaren?

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Alright you don’t like them any more than I like VEs. It still doesn’t change the fact that the Horde has been reshaped to have lots of different flavors and prettiness (note the other races I mentioned), so a grudge over how the Horde were once just things like Orcs and Forsaken seems like a waste to me.

As long as their implementation is done with ZERO interaction with the Belves and their fans understand that playable High elves =/= Quel´thalas magically rolling Alliance, I don´t think we´ll have a problem.

So to say: as long as playable High Elves don´t negatively impact the Belf race, I see no issue…


Because they are cute and cuddly which was not how the Horde started out?

Blizz said the only reason both factions got Pandaren is they didn’t want either side to miss out, so I bet players wanted them more than you think. I don’t think they were originally going to be Horde either so…

And Alliance wanted NB too, but look where they went.

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Nor were the originally going to be Alliance either.

Neither faction started as “cute and cuddly”.

Then why is fyre complaining about races way back when?

Why don’t you ask Fyre that?

I asked why you brought up pandaren, and I don’t see a very valid reason for it.

the compromise is void elves. not everyone can be happy with a compromise involving so many individuals. the trick is to satisfy the most as you can without undermining your fundamental principles. void elves do that


You said neither started as cute and cuddly. Pretty. Good looking. Player favorites. Whatever you wanna call it.

These are three different things. Sometimes they coincide. But pandaren are neither player favorites nor do I know anyone that’d call them pretty.

I’m legally obligated to say:

Sethrak sethrak ssssethrak! :snake:


Okay so Horde now has edgy, cute and cuddly, player favorites, pretty, and monstery. They’ve got the whole rainbow now. So desperately clinging to a grudge about what races were like in Vanilla seems pretty exhausting.

Sethrak is kind of a weird fit because as loa worshippers they kinda fit more in the Horde’s wheelhouse

But if the Alliance gets them, that’s fine, because it’s not stepping on anyone’s toes ^.^


and if they were playable on the alliance. thats it. horde will never get them no matter how long they beg

Lore, good sir.

I’m not, I asked why you brought up pandaren. I know you’re talking about Fyre but this could easily be mistaken as saying I am as well.

Alliance has void elves, pandaren, humans, night elves, and worgen.

Alliance do need a cool race, but they do have at least one of each of those categories.

Because Pandaren break the whole “Horde are just ugly races” idea?

And blood elves hadn’t already?

I was including all of the races that have taken the Horde away from what it was in Vanilla. That’s why I mentioned more than Pandaren and BE.