Just give the alliance high elves already


Good grief.

The writers or you?

Do you have anything that bluntly contradicts the information in the encyclopedia, or is it just assumptions based on what you see in game?

it came out 2 months before TBC, so TBC was already done and wrath in the planning stages

(Commentary): No, she doesn’t give them sole credit. She’s talking only about the Sunreavers. She has no reason to give anyone else credit because they’re not relevant to her attempt to make the Alliance PC understand why she didn’t want to have Dalaran join the Alliance during MoP.

(Commentary): So, the Silver Enclave existing prior to the city’s destruction proves that those elves also existed as part of Dalaran before it’s destruction.

(Commentary): During the Troll Wars, 100 humans were trained in the ways of magic by the elves of Quel’Thalas. Dalaran didn’t even exist at the time. The Sunreavers as a faction didn’t exist. Aethas formed them, and their name was taken from his name. If there was some kind of faction led by Kael’thas, why wouldn’t they have been named the Sunstriders, then?

(Commentary): I’m trying to see things from your perspective, because it almost makes sense, but it falls apart. From what I’m understanding, you’re suggesting all of the High Elves on Dalaran, prior to the fall of Quel’Thalas, were citizens of Quel’Thalas and under the direct command of Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider. It’s not really likely, but I can see the logic there. So, they all go with Kael’thas back to Quel’Thalas? Well, that’d be logical. Quel’Thalas is their home, they’re citizens of Quel’Thalas, why wouldn’t they?

(Commentary): Then we get to Wrath of the Lich King. Here, you’re positing that the Silver Covenant is made up of elves who moved to Dalaran after being exiled from Quel’Thalas for refusing mana draining techniques. You’re pointing to the Encylopedia stating there were never enough High Elves to gather in significant numbers. The problem is, the Silver Covenant is literally a military force. It is a significant number by that margin alone, and not even ALL High Elves in Dalaran are members of the Silver Covenant either.

(Query): So, where did all these High Elves come from? There shouldn’t have been enough to so thickly populate Dalaran, form a High Elven military, and not depleting other places in the game of High Elves. The Lodge in the Hinterlands remained as populated come Cataclysm. The lodge in the Eastern Plaguelands was wiped out, with no sign of it’s people having gone to Dalaran. There’s been no movement of elves from Stormwind or Theramore… where did all these elves come from?

(Commentary): The obvious logic is, they were always there, always in Dalaran, that they are citizens of Dalaran. They’re not Sunreavers, they never were Sunreavers, they were High Elves who simply were citizens of Dalaran, and not Quel’Thalas.


the SC did not exist until just before wrath

Commentary: You tell me. The Warcraft Encyclopedia states: “In consequence, there are so few high elves left on Azeroth today that they cannot be considered a race in anything other than the biological sense.” That would state they are biologically different from Blood Elves, which would make sense considering the Blood Elves originally were being written as being changed by their use of Fel, until THAT changed to them only being exposed to Fel. Then again, we’ve got Ion’s own statement that Blood Elves have, ‘evolved,’ past blue eyes, so who knows.

[Edit]: To clarify, the Encyclopedia also states the following: “High elves do not gather in any significant numbers, nor do they act as a coordinated whole.” This is, in fact, proven incorrect by the Silver Covenant, which does gather in significant numbers and act as a coordinated effort.

(Observation): What a coincidence! Same with the Sunreavers.


Responding to her is really an exercise in futility. She wants you to reply to her so she has an excuse to keep posting. It’s better to avoid taking her bait.


(Statement): Thank you. I wasn’t sure and wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, but it’s good to know I was wasting my time. Sort of. Just camping a rare spawn in game at the moment.


Commentary: You have written a lot of assumptions there, backed up by selective readings of statements to mean things they may not mean. Such as the use of evolve referring to the story and not the IMO rather nonsensical claim that they have biologically changed, which has not been seen in any way in game.

Another assumption. We have never seen anything saying how many SC actually show up to fight. It’s still quite possible that they are nearly extinct AND still fighting in force. You extrapolate too freely.

I don’t think that’s a fact.

Basically any time you get the sense you’re getting right now from another poster, it’s probably her on a new alt. I have a running list of them and just keep adding to the pile :stuck_out_tongue:

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Makes sense to me.

Blood elves at that point, in my opinion, was more or less neutral. It could have gone either way depending on hoe the story played out in TBC.

I have to say that it is not a retcon, but game representation. The numbers of high elves are still low despite the amount of npc.

For all we know, and this is pure speculation on my end mind you, that the SC may have consist of half elves as well.

Arathor being a half elf while using a high elf model. Then again, half elf numbers would be even lower than high elves…

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Rich words coming from someone who only seems to post now to insult and harass another poster.


(Commentary): Not really? A military force is a significant number.

(Speculative): Starting to think I’m responding to another alt right now.

(Speculative): I wonder on that, actually.

(Commentary): I’ve stated before that a compromise would be Half-Elves and simply changing the bulk of High Elf NPCs to Half-Elves and stating they were always meant to be Half-Elves but just lacked their own model. It’d certainly preserve the canonicity of the Encyclopedia.


the name doesnt matter as much as the elves at its core that jaina gives credit too. as i said the name for them could be new but who they are and their place in dalaran wasnt

theyre farstriders who did not want to join the horde and sought refuge in dalaran after it was rebuilt under vereesa. and she used them to make her SC

why would farstrider types be in dalaran since the beginning. and it is a heavily leaning farstrider ogranization so much so they answer the call of the farstriders still, even preferred working with them in legion, and were tied to the hunters class hall to no ones shock or objection

we saw them defend their homeland without question in cata. do these really seem like the types to break off and help rebuild dalaran with aethas and the rest? no it would take something like their people fully committing to the horde to make them leave. what you want matches the sunreaver types

Nah Tarrok isn’t her. There are ways to ID characters on the same account.

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It can be. It does not HAVE to be. If working with another larger group like in an alliance, they could number under 100. And we have yet to really see any proof of larger numbers than that. (If there’s something that lists a more exact number and not just “look, there’s a small camp in Suramar, so it must be an army.” I’ll take that as proof.)

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SC are such a large group they have a single ranger type and 2 inn keepers in the enclave they lost to the worgen

That “small camp in suramar” has a line of troops as wide and long as the blood elf one in the final battles. That aside, any in game reasons are completely bogus as -void elves- are only a very small cult. The SC drastically outnumbers them. All that aside, this is a video game and the devs could put it in if they actually gave a dam. They dont. As long as the blood elf player base gets to feel special the devs have absolutely no concern for the pro helf player base. The only real chance of that changing would come from 1) a new lead dev, 2) the board of directors or J Allen Breck deciding they need it to boost subs, or 3) they get desperate and start grasping at anything to keep from laying off another 800 employees such as High Elves, Ogres, etcetera.

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The number of SC is canonically small as theh generic respawning npcs does not count.

However, the npc types do let us know that though numbers are small, there are a variety of class types.

Archer (farstrider as you say) is one, but there are also npc like guardian mage, spellblade, warmage.

SC definitely does not only consist of farstriders.

Again, generic npc does not count.

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