Just give the alliance high elves already

What do you expect from Fyre? A Phonebook with actual phone numbers and information?

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oh come on. everyone knows the source by now


No she’s taught me not to expect anything but trolling.


Please show where it says they actually replicated the process.

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im not trying to convince you

i want people who lurk and arent biased to see it and make their own judgement

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Then show them.

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Guys its a waste of time ever replying to Evermoist/Fyrebusche. This is just a new alt of hers since I’m guessing her stable of alts have largely been put on ignore. The best way you can deal with her is to just put her latest alt on ignore and not take her bait. You win in two ways if you do this. Not only do you not have to see her inane posts, you are also driving her up a wall by ignoring her.

How else will I pass the time though?


Having a nice pleasant discussion about Alliance High Elves with just about anyone else is a far better use of your time than engaging with any of the “usual suspects”.


People want TBC, not TBC 2020 edition. Blood elf racials then were different and some wouldn’t reflect over well onto high elves.

Same as above. Racials wouldn’t reflect well and it’d be worse here, and TBC no TBC 2020. Former eredar wouldn’t work either. They’ll never join either faction.

Uh, no.

With those changes I’m not sure many people would play it. Without them though, yes it would.

yes, those are the racials i’m talking about. hehe. i’m not saying current racials.

‘Blood elves are high elves’ hurr durr. The Zandalari are trolls, the Highmountain are tauren, the Nightborne are kaldorei, the Dark Iron are dwarves, the Mechangomes are gnomes, the Lightforged are draenei etc.

Racial ‘umbrellas’ mean absolutely nothing. High elves are high elves. High elves are a people, a faction, and a race loyal to the Alliance. They are not currently playable. That’s a fact, not an opinion.


Blood elf racials from then wouldn’t reflect well onto high elves.

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wait. maybe you didnt get it.
blood elf racials then, given to high elves then, is the same thing, twice. once on horde, once on alliance. same racials, same timeframe. somewhere around here i posted a video explaining why blood elf paladins were so good in tbc.

I get it. TBC blood elf racials would not reflect well onto high elves, now or then. Because of mana tap, draining energy from other beings is a blood elf thing.

oh yeah you’re right. hmm. that is a problem

No, it’s a delusion.

The High elves have been seperated from the sindorei for… what? a decade maybe? Are you seriously going to tell me that in that time they have developed a distinct physiology and culture that isn’t functionally identical to what the belves are?


If the Highvale Elves did it, I see no reason why the others couldn’t.


(Commentary): Depending on what group we’re talking about. Dalaran has existed for nearly 3,000 years with it’s own stable population of High Elves, High Elves who lived there and had families there, otherwise, they would’ve all returned to Quel’Thalas and Kael’thas after learning of the kingdom’s fall. One might argue that those High Elves don’t have their own culture, that they’ve just assimilated into Dalaran’s culture, but the truth is they helped found Dalaran in the first place. Dalaran’s culture belongs as much to it’s High Elven citizens as it’s Human citizens, and is certainly unique and separate from that of Quel’Thalas.


omg this is so true :+1:t3: