Just give the alliance high elves already

Numbers honestly, have never been a good way to use as an Argument. Based on this one fact that this crushes all that is in game:

In-game numbers =/= Canon Numbers


You’ve clearly missed the point with the nightborne; they’re what would be referred to as “earliest common ancestor” for Quel/sindorei and Kaldorei and share identifiable similarities to both. but beyond the purely physical aspects they’re clearly more the former then the latter.

As to the silver covenant, their defining trait is that they still hang out with the alliance.

See i don’t get why people keep saying things like this.

I will get to this directly.

Nightborne is culturally extremely similar to the blood elves. Right down to the withered/wretched degeneration.

How is it stealing when the horde already have the same theme already.

Highborne still exists in the form of night elf mages on the alliance. No stealing was done at all.


Yeah. I can’t emphasize this hard enough. I recalled a gnome using respawning generic npcs as evidence for population.

I was screaming internally at that.

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Playable Night Elf Mages are not the Shen’dralar. This is confirmed if you quest as one. Playable Night Elf Mages are Darnassian Mages who learn from the Shen’dralar, which is different.

It’s what antis say when people ask for playable High Elves.

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This is some incredibly hard spin but lets go for it.

The defining traits of Night elven society are the worship of elune and the strong connection to the natural world. The defining trait of the nightborne is their extreme isolation and how arcane magic is about as much a part of their day to day lives as electricity is for american’s.

When we look at the architecture of Kaldorei settlements there are again clear efforts to work with the natural world, with large open air strutures, hollowed out trees and standing room only tents. True, their are examples of large stone structures, but these are typically ancient and almost assuredly dating back to the ancient night elf empire as opposed to modern efforts.

By comparison, Suramar appears to be made entirely of masterfully quarried stone, with arcane magic being everywhere; it provides defenses, nourishment, lighting and empowers constructs. Beyond that, their is no evidence of any established religion in the city; there are (to the best of my knowledge) no temples, no shrines, no clergy and not even a passing mention of her in any spoken line of dialogue (which actually has intriguing implications; either the worship of elune was never prevelent in the city or possibly that elune wasn’t a signifigant/widespread faith until much later).

With this taken into consideration, it’s clear that the Nightborne ultimately had very little in common with the Nelves beyond their physical appearance.


I just don’t understand anyone who uses numbers as an argument. And I am not saying that only the Anti’s do this, I know there is some pro’s that does this as well, but numbers can never be used as an argument. Because the real lore outside of the game is a lot more different and bigger than what we see in the game.

correct. its what the developers and lore say as well. and while ofc it doesnt matter to you it matters to them. which is why they continually bring it up but thats not the main reason alliance high elves dont work. ill step aside and let you keep attacking this tho

Are we talking about theme or the actual people now?

You were specifically talking about themes in your post. The highborne theme exists in the form of night elf mages, whether you like it or not.

Because accusing horde of stealing is an absurd thing to say. I get that people have theie own stance on the matter, but accusations like this makes zero sense.

Horde did not steal the nightborne culture when it already exists within the horde in the form of blood elves already.

Well this used to be my argument before. 10% of the high elf population is left and majority of them named themselves blood elves. The numbers left can’t be that high.

However, this argument is thrown out the window when void elves became playable. If void elves being playable with this sort of numbers, makes sense lore wise for high elves to be playable too.

were void elves already a playable race aalis

we know its not about lore its always been they dont want to play the horde

multiple threads and the same people here admit it with the give void elf blood elf skin tones threads. they dont have a problem with void elves if they get a blood elf skin tone to negate the void theme. and they think its logical too. its hilarious

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Erm. Yes they are?

That is the reason i do not consider low population as a valid argument anymote since high elves have arguably higher population than void elves.

My own reason for being against it is purely based on gamplay reason. It does makes sense for them to be playable lorewise.

Yes and i get that. What i also understand as well, is that there are 2 groups of pro high elfers.

The first group is purely for aesthetics, and refuses to play horde. Hence the pink skin on blood elf threads.

There is also another group who genuinely likes the high elves for their lore and wants them to be playable. This is the group that doesn’t mind model compromises. They want it for the lore.

As we know, high elves and blood elves, though essentially still the same race, is now culturely different as the high elves had integrated themselves into the human society.

If done right it would be a vastly different eaxperience playing them.


How about you stop trying to talk for others?


And yet, there is way more High Elves than there is of Void Elves.

But no, I’ll let you continue on with your fanfiction

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ofc there are and the VAST majority identify as blood elf

Talking about Alliance High Elves. Not Blood Elves

the current discussion regarding a possible tbc classic release, is that it will inevitably have massive faction imbalance as a result of the inclusion of blood elves on the horde. personally, i think that would be the perfect time to do two things: 1) give alliance playable high elves with the same racials as blood elves, and 2) give horde playable former eredar with the same racials as draenei. tbc classic would instantly become the best balanced and most popular version of wow classic.

She knows that.

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It is Fyre. She things that only Blood Elves are the only High Elves left.

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there are no exact numbers to cite for alliance high elves or void elves. its subjective

and dont forget danuser was asked point blank how are void elves increasing their numbers if they are only a small group?

his answer was while they start out as a crack squad, they arent openly recruiting, but that they can bolster their numbers from other elves who seek them out. elves who are interested in new sources of magic, power, or opportunities and want to undergo the process


haha how? the whole thing was a lab accident.