Just give the alliance high elves already

I’m personally fine with high elves going Alliance, but they aren’t really unique, and wouldn’t help Alliance much in terms of population. Alliance does deserve a cool race, and jinyu/ankoan have been mentioned several times. They’re cool, in the Alliance already, and would be unique in the sense of they’d be the first non-mammalian race. Frostborn dwarves would be cool, dwarves are a really cool race and the Northrend version of them with their unique lore and aesthetic would be cool for Alliance to get, and again, already in the Alliance. I’m sure there’s one or two others to pick from.

I’d totally be jealous of ankoan/jinyu, and I know a lot of Horde would be as well, so to me that signifies a cool race.

At this point, you have to bite the bullet and try it.

Only way to get it out of your head.

You are obligated to report the taste to us as well.

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Just want to clarify this if you didnt know, but the Zandalari model has been stated to be a modified darkspear by the devs that worked on it.

Any qualms ppl have about zanda and NElves sharing models is really unfounded.

Really? May i have a source on this? I did not know that. Male zandalari wasn’t slouching like dark spears.

My point still stands. Kultiran is a new rig while zandalari is using a modified rig.

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"Were the Zandalari the most challenging because it doesn’t use another model like the other 5 allied races?

S: Most difficult because it’s a unique rig. It’s a modified Troll rig (straight, instead of hunch). Required a little more time on the touch ups. Same amount of time spent on them for customization options than the other allied races.
-Lost Codex Interview, Blizzcon 2017 with Alex Afrasiabi and Shani Edwards"


Nice. I stand corrected.

Learned something new today.


Aalis leveled up! That’s illegal.

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It was a contentious point in the argument awile ago, but all good im glad I could help.

I admit I cant fault you for drawing parallels with kul tiran and them getting brand new models, but at least they both look significant diffrent then the race they are based on and also agree should of just been customization options


If we were to go that general in terms of adding allied races, I have many ideas that could work but to make it more clear and less wordy, these are the ideas I have. Keep in mind, these are in a non-specific order, I don’t love gnomes first but there are ideas for them. Here we go!

  1. So I was gonna put “Clockwork Gnomes” here, like from Northrend, but I think they could just add more to mechagnomes, perhaps make an excursion questline where they see their people in Northrend and what happened in Ulduar, :man_shrugging:
  2. Broken.
    These guys have a long history but unfortunately, they just don’t have different about them compared to the normal Draenei. Plus, I’ve only seen Male Broken. Akama would be a good leader for them though. Main Timeline Akama. Classes being Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Rogue, Warlock, Mage, Shaman, Priest.
    Their mount would be some sort of Outland Boar or Outland Elekk.
  3. Frostborn.
    Showing Velog Icebellow in action after Muradin’s departure. Classes being Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Mage, Priest, Monk.
    Their mount could be a Frostborn Bear and one that could be bought could be a Stormcrest Eagle.
  4. Irons (Titanforged, Ulduarians?)
    Could end up with some cool rune designs and colouring and even have a storyline of stopping the one corrupting Loken and a random Titanforged Dwarf leads us to escape the facilities to Ironforge or something like that. Classes would be Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Mage, Priest.
    No clue of the mounts potentially.
  5. Earthen. The lore I’ve essentially put across for these guys is a bit long so I won’t add it here for the sake of readability. These guys have Bouldercrag the Rockshaper and Stonefather Oremantle to fall back on as leaders. Their classes would be Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Monk.
    Could be different types of Earthen too. Northrend/Deepholm types, Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdom types, Silithus types.
    Mount could be an Earthen rock elemental skinned Ram.
  6. Wildhammer.
    My problem is, there isn’t much different about the Wildhammer apart from extra feathers and maybe runes like the Highmountain and Illidari. I think we got enough runed characters apart from the Irons idea, personally.
    Their leader would be High Thane Falstad Wildhammer.
    The classes would be Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Mage, Priest.
    The mount I guess could be a Wildhammer Ram and buying a Wildhammer Gryphon.
  7. Dark Elves
    The ones that Sylvanas raised. Perhaps Velonara would lead them.
    The classes could be Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Mage, Warlock.
    Racial mount could be an Undead Nightsaber.
  8. Yaungol
    The ones from Pandaria. Tired of surviving on their own. Perhaps a redeemed Ordos or a relative of theirs could be a leader.
    Classes could be Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Druid, Monk.
    Racial mount could be a Mushan or a Yak.
  9. Taunka
    Technically they’ve joined the Horde already in the questline. All you have to do is make it official and selectable.
    The leader could be Roanauk Icemist, the one who resurrected his comrades.
    The classes would be Warrior, Hunter, Shaman, Druid, Monk.
    The racial mount could be a Snow-themed Kodo.
  10. Sandfury Trolls.
    Desert Trolls basically.
    Could do a lot of cool stuff with Troll customization, maybe even adding to the original troll customization. Although, if they were separate, a lieutenant of Sandscalp could take leadership.
    Classes could be Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Mage, Warlock, Shaman.
    Racial mount could be a Basilisk.
  11. Amani Trolls
    Forest trolls could work same way as normal trolls like adding to that customization, but if on their own, no clue who would their leader could be.
    Classes could be Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Mage, Druid, Shaman, Priest.
    Racial mount could be a Jungle Spider.
  12. Drakkari Trolls.
    Ice Trolls.
    Perhaps seeking refuge for almost going extinct during the Scourge conversions.
    Maybe a redeemed Drakuru or a relative of Drakuru could be the lead.
    Classes could be Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Mage, Shaman, Warlock, Priest.
    Racial mount could be a Winter Wolf.
    Anyway those are what I think would work. I have a fair bit more lore for all of them but yeah, shortened for readability.

These guys were confirmed as troll customization at BlizzCon.

Now we don’t really know how these guys are doing, but an update on lore could let them join the Horde. There’s already a tribe of forest trolls in the Horde, the Revantusk, and they restated their loyalty in BfA. If we’re getting sand trolls, who have every reason to hate the Horde, there’s no reason we shouldn’t get forest trolls, since they’re already in with us and a decent amount of people want them, and they’d be pretty easy to add in, both gameplay-wise and lore-wise. The male model is outdated though and would require updating, and the updated form we saw in ToT and the rare in Zuldazar has no customization, so that wouldn’t fly.

Yeah, agreed. I’m thinking a warlord can lead them, maybe unite the 3 tribes of Zul’drak.

They have no female models, and the male models have weird faces and are outdated. So this could pose a problem, they might come later on. I know a lot of us on Horde want them and now is the perfect time to give them, so I’m really hoping we get htem.

There’s 11-ish yaungol tribes, it’s possible one could’ve conquered the rest after they were all destroyed. But their models have the same problem as taunka.

Would be cool, maybe. We have a lot of elves rn, I think giving some other races spotlight first would be in order, then we could get these and san’layn.

Well, we got HM tauren and LF draenei so…
Wildhammer, as 99% of sub-race suggestions, deserve their own race, heritage, and racials.

No warlock class. The broken are just draenei who got corrupted by a modified version of the curse of sethe. No females either, and the current broken model is outdated and based on the tauren model.


As for the titan constructs, I’d rather see them stay neutral.

A lot of races would get monk too, and for some it makes good sense (Yaungol, Broken), and for others it sort of makes sense (Trolls), but for taunka I just don’t really see it. I say that because taunka shamans and druids are different, they don’t enslave the elements/nature, but they force it to do what they will, and spirit/chi is the fifth element and what monks draw upon, so I don’t see any monks teaching the taunka.

Good post overall though.

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That 1 level was a slog. But i didn’t want more criticisms due to my level.

I could have spent the time continuing to getting Satan to max stat.

When that crossed my mind, i logged off again. XD

But… But… But…

Dammit Akston, I blame you and your no sense of taste. Now I’m speechless too.

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Oh, Siegfried, don’t forget the leaf on your back… :rofl:

Playpen, honey, this is the exact same argument in reverse you’ve been ranting against in regards to belfs/helfs this entire thread. Pick one, please. You don’t get to do both.

I’ve been thinking that this entire thread, y’know?

Zandalari mogs work much better than Kultiran ones. The rig can be flashy and new; it doesn’t matter if your body type changes literally depending on what clothing you equip. Zandalari are also vastly more popular than Kul’tirans, so, I would hesitate before assigning this as a ‘win’ to the Alliance. At best, it’s a participation award.

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Well it was purely my opinion anyway as i played neither.

It is indeed true that zandalari troll is the more popular ones, new rig or not.

Again: beyond surface level differences the Nightborne have nothing in common with the Night elves.

The same can not be said of the high elves.


Shared history, biology, the organization my server is named after. Yep, “nothing in common”.

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the lore reason is you dont have enough. alliance high elves arent out there how you fanfiction them. theres a couple. the SCs future is irrelevant to the alliance story and is either death, rejoining their people or neutrality enforced by the kirin tor. highvale are more isolationist then their people ever were before arthas changed everything and have no interest in faction wars or they wouldnt be in the hinterlands living as hermits

so lets look at actual alliance territory. we really just have a couple mages. a mage in SW and a mage in boralus. this perfectly reflects the lore that a few malcontents are still around. is that enough for permanent player representation of a horde race? ofc not

there is no other allied race request that intrudes upon another factions race and theme as an alliance high elf does. the identical model remains the biggest barrier, always will be as they come from the same population, and it proved insurmountable which is why they gave you something like a blood elf(high elf)

this is beyond the pale even for you

nightborne USED TO BE night elves. they are based on the same model and use a lot of the same assets, but this image is deliberately misleading

the female models musculature has barely been altered, the males have been changed much more including much thinner arms and legs

night elf skin colors range from pink, to purple, to a dry blue to a light gray. nightborne have three skin tones, two very vivid blues and the gray. and you just happened to pick the gray one for comparison which is still more washed out as we can see here(lol)

and as with the previous picture attempting to gaslight people, positioning the model to hide the upswept/backswept difference of their ears as much as possible and hilariously splitting the models in half to hide the different stances also used to differentiate them

and heres is the male for comparison for other people to judge for themselves


only people who want a carbon copy of blood elves say nighborne are a carbon copy of night elves. gee i wonder why

They both worship Elune, the Moon, the Night, affinity with magic (considering the Shen’dralar are Highborne Night Elves as well), architecture (Suramar architecture is Night Elven - they didn’t change it after the Nightwell transformed them), the ancient Kaldorei tradition Tal’ashar is also present in the Nightborne civilization…

Essentially, the Nightborne stole from the Alliance the Night Elf Highborne theme after the Shen’dralar joined the Night Elves.

It’s unbelievable the Horde keeps stealing themes from the Alliance and nothing happens yet we ask for something similar and somehow it’s the end of the world.


Yep, just more

Bought to you from Fyrebushe.


I mean… void elf is a thing and canonically, there is only a handful of them.

I too, does not support high elf to be playable, but this is not a good argument imo since the numbers of void elf is most likely even lower.