Just give the alliance high elves already

I can give female night elves their own Teldrassil too :kissing_heart:

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Please don’t. They had trouble putting there tree out despite it being surounded by Water.

The concept of things heating up in teldrassil shouldn’t have been taken quite so literally.

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I still blame the Horde for burning down your home Avarie. I don’t blame just Sylvanas, I blame all of the Horde.

That’s just how I like it

I’d make a flirt about female void elves but the only one I can think of would get me flagged

I do too. They will be punished.


Oh we know Blizzard too well. If we’re not wrapping up the sword in Silithus story and Teldrassil is being glossed over, well.

I was trying to be clear that I was not claiming to predict the future, or claim inevitability, but that I felt that the things I had concerns for were not out of the question to happen. (I personally feel, and most likely pessimistically, that the odds aren’t good for it not having an impact on the story I would not enjoy) I have not intended to argue the merits of how the current status of the high elves interacts with this issue, but I can see how it might happen.

I think mine’s a bit more long term. I’m not particularly worried that they’ll go with the people who have an odd view of what high elves are and immediately make them happy with a “High elves are the noblest of noble, and blood elves are wicked monsters.” It’s the progression of story as they become a more normal presence, story elements changing like going from a storywise small number to the story suggesting there had been more of them than we thought, and twisting the origin of the belfs. In the way that the Southern Barrens story seems to have gone from what I thought was a pretty satisfying questing experience that did not demonize either side (especially not demonizing the player in their own story) of fog of war and such into something that seems to be presented a bit more as one side being in the right.

I don’t think it’s a conscious thing, but it seems to be a theme. I’ve said before, I think that the writers don’t connect with the story of the horde as it was in WC3 or early wow. And that’s just part of my reasons I don’t think it’s a good idea.

Well with whatever magic fire they had that could set a solid live tree that size on fire on its own, (and with the range they travelled) it couldn’t have been easy. (I had enough trouble if I didn’t have any good kindling just getting plain firewood to start when I had to keep a fireplace going at work)

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Yeah, don’t do it man.

Also, Tarrok, it has been day 2 and I still got that Peanut and Coke in my head. I think Akston no sense of taste is now haunting me.

I don’t need blizzard to dole out punishment. Just some chains and stuff.

I like the sound of that, me that kind of orc

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Too many innuendos ppl. I am an innocent bystander. With children!


Okay I did not intend that one nor did I see until now, you’re the one with a dirty mind smh


I could supply you with my personal Void Chain. Would about 500 miles be long enough?

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Very true. But its always easier to blame the orcs.

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Call the racist police, this one hates green people!

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That isn’t actually just an Akston thing:

" However, in the American South, there’s a century-old tradition that sees the two enjoyed in a slightly less well known manner: putting the peanuts in Coca-Cola."

But then again they also make pickles with koolaid down there.

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Not like their consistent presence in game and on the Alliance has up to this point, why would it start with making them playable?

Void elves express this perfectly, they were added…that’s kind of it.

The horde lived. :man_shrugging:

Oh dear lord, the Americas are coming to haunt me now.

I’m doomed.

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That would probably be sufficient, but you never really know with these things.