Just give the alliance high elves already

Not once did i claim this is my main.

From the very start i had said on multiple occasions that i INTEND for this to be my main come shadowlands.

I have said, at least on 1 other occasion that my irl friends that played wow had quit. I played horde because of them. Now, i am able to play whichever. If they do come back for shadowlands, i would be back at horde.

For the forseeable future, this shall be my main for shadowlands. I just have not leveled her.

One does not simple resist the waggle.

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Same model.

Because they said they changed factions to play lightforged space goat as a main.

They didn’t state when. They still could’ve cleared that 8.3 content on Alliance. What if they race changed in 8.0? :thinking:

So then why can’t they have skin tones as similar in coloration to blood elves as nightborne are to night elves??? Hm is only horde allowed that for some reason that I’m sure you can find an excuse for.

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I am willing to and have changed is 2 very different thing.

Am willing to switch to alliance if my friends are not coming back. I will be back at horde in a heartbeat if they are back.

That’s because I have constantly said that HIGH ELVEN PLAYABILITY IS NOT A LORE ISSUE, BUT A GAMEPLAY ONE.

You can’t say that my parameter -lore- isn’t encompassing of the whole issue, it’s not meant to be. That I say that there’s no lore reasons for High Elves to not be playable means little to their ACTUAL playability, as evident as that is to say.

Cause if it was all about lore… they already would be playable.

But it’s not, thing I have said over and over.

So again:


i think a decent argument can be made for making them safely playable. for example, when playing my alliance draenei, i can use the orb of deception and look just like a blood elf. when that wears off, i can use the orb of the sindorei and look just like a blood elf. then when thats about to wear off, i can use ai’li’s skymirror and continue to look just like a blood elf. and if i really wanna be serious, i can use that little image switcher thing, twice, so i can continue even longer looking just like a blood elf. and it doesnt ruin the game. no one cares that i look just like a blood elf, except me. hehe.


I miss the program that shall not be named being a high elf using the paladin cmode set as a warrior was fun :frowning:

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erm, i guess i dont know whatcha mean. whats the paladin cmode ?

The mop challenge mode set. But people ruined that program and made it bannable by doing dumb stuff like making nodes into giant bonfires so they could see them easily while flying over.

Don’t they? They’ve got some nice pale skin tones that are as close if not closer as NB skin tones are to Night elves.

But I mean, you keep expecting me to defend the one over the other when I think it was a mistake to do either.

Except that you’re limiting lore to what is written, and not what might be or what is planned. Making them playable changes their role in lore and how they can be used. An NPC faction has more flexibility in what happens to them than a PC faction. So to say that there is no lore reason against their playability because at this point in the story they happen to be allied with that faction ignores lots of factors of lore that are not encompassed fully if you’re only looking at the current point in the story. And for all we know there is a plan for all the elves’ stories for the next few expansions that would not work if the high elf faction was no longer an NPC faction.

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They aren’t lol every single one is tinted blue the horde got dark elves the alliance got a second dark elf.



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And at least currently, Night Elves aren’t blue. They’re both fantasy colored, but different color sets.

can our high elves have hooves and arm fur? that would separate them from the horde elves and really connect with me personally

this can be after spending a lot of time in nature and working with arcane magic. lil extra arm hair, maybe a mustache. sexy hooves for the horde to grasp as they beg for mercy

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Asking the most important question here.

Can they waggle?

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Man if you wanna talk about “what if’s,” let’s, but if the parameter of the argument we are having at this point is empirical evidence as currently is, this is just beyond that scope.

Because come on dude, if IDK, they get nuked by a meteority, that’s a pretty good lore reason why they can’t be playable. So you can see how ridonk is bringing up “what if’s” and “could be’s” to the very specific question of “Do High Elves make sense as playable according to the lore?”

Yes, they do. That’s not up for much debate as far as current lore regards, cause again, if they get turned into flying monkeys or whatever, hinders that.

But specifically this? This is literally what Context means.


Nah we don’t beg if Alliance get something sexy, we have zandalari and orc men here.

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The point is that that does not exist in this topic. You’re just trying to elevate your opinions and interpretations of the lore into fact. They aren’t.