Just give the alliance high elves already

Yeah but until there are ACTUALLY playable ogres -or mok’nathal- this is literally a conspiracy theory lol.

Also where is that 5% info coming from?? Giiiiirl, I hope you aren’t just making up numbers.



I self RP this hunter is a Mok’nathal, I’d race change in a moment and live out my Rexxar fangirl fantasies in a second if we ever get them.

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I’ve never seen this abuse the worst I get is asked if I happen to have a warrior basically every time I apply to a 19 or 20 since people don’t want dks in pug groups. TBH I don’t blame them we squish :frowning:

From doing the questing there is very little interaction with the ogre size kt folks and most prominent lore figures including flynn and the royal family are normal humans. So is pretty much every main questing figure we interact with outside I think one inquisitor.

Jean Grey died on the moon, sacrificing herself so her alter ego didn’t went on destroying everything, and everyone she loved.

But then that was retconned, and it was the Phoenix Force “imitating” her.

The reason for the retcon exists on the meta level; they wanted Jean back, but they couldn’t justify homicide, so they changed the story.

So if you are not going to address the lore as it is -as mutable as any comic book franchise is- fine. But understand that then you don’t get to say it’s a “matter of opinion” when the parameters of what is being discussed “Do High Elves make sense as a playable race within the lore” are pretty clear.


I’m playing botw the vast majority of the time I’m not raiding atm which is only two days a week but I’m still at max level.

So no source for that 5%, got it. Like I have to be consistent, if I call BS on all the arguments that say “but HE are too few to be playable” I have to call BS on stuff like this too.

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rexxar uses the kt rig, and he’s a mok’nathal, part orc/part ogre. :sunglasses:

I mean you can go count the number of npcs in game I’m not saying they comprise 5% of the kt population I’m saying you interact with very few when questing. So it feels like they are a very small portion of the population they would probably be more popular if they were just human shamans and druids with an different skin tones new haircuts and sea tattoos.

Your point being?

Being in the education sector, I still have to work despite the pandemic. I am spending whatever time i have on persona 5 instead of wow. I do not see ANYTHING wrong with that.


If you don’t play currect content you don’t know any lore. It only takes a 50 IQ to understand that, how could you not see?!

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The problem is your parameter is completely irrelevant to the topic.
I’m assuming you’ll figure eventually I’ll admit that there are High elves aligned with the alliance in the lore. And there are.

And if we are looking at this topic purely in context of the in universe lore. You have High elves, they’re on airships, they give you portals. Congratulations, in context of the lore you already have what you want.

The problem is in context of playability, your parameter ignores 90-95% of the issues that ACTUALLY matter. But you keep acting like this one minute part of what goes into the decision is the only thing that matters.

Playability by its very definition is meta.

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My point being it’s rather suspect for people to constantly argue from a horde pov while posting on obvious non mains but claiming that is their main. Especially when I can look at raid achieves and see you have cleared 8.3 content not mythic but either lfr normal or heroic.

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Do you know that has got to be the most tiresome argument on these forums?

Issues which didn’t matter when giving dark elves using the night elf model with small adjustments to the horde

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Shame they didn’t give void elves using the high elf model to the Alliance at the same time. Oh, wait.

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No the problem is they have played current content which can be seen by achieves but claim that they are now an alliance main.

They didn’t they gave grape elves using the blood elf model who were former blood elves to the alliance giving them two dark elves.

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But he’s an NPC, so it’s pretty much like… High Elves being alliance? :sob:

Honestly? only way to have an empiric answer would be to count all the NPC’s in KT and go from there. That’s as close to facts you could get.

Regardless, it’s kinda evident the playable KulTirans are the segment of the population with Drust blood -like, come oooon, it’s obvious-

Do I agree with the decision of making KT’s share the spotlight with baseline humans on their own homeland? Not really, but there is some merit that they are population with two different origins that merged.

And they kinda HAD to, because they had to spun off humans enough while still justifying why Jaina and other already established KT characters looked human.

Wild idea tho? Kul Tirans would have been MUCH more popular if the other part of their genetic make up wasn’t Drust, but Elven.

Aaaaaaaaaand… What? In what way does that show they’re Horde? If they’ve cleared 8.3 content and you’re checking achievements on a 109, how does that tell you they’re Horde main?